Original post can be found here (me whining about lag <3) http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/59816
http://imgur.com/82m60 vog cub HAT
http://imgur.com/ti6Cb vig cub COAT
As you can see they show the same name, which is 'fire baked hat' lol, nothing to do with vog cubs, gamecyber translaters probably saw the set is in fire and assumed that was the result of an oven or BBQ.
http://imgur.com/YFiW5 storm DRIVER
Here it says storm driver, but 'driver' has more than one meaning, they turned it into the person 'driving' something rather than an actual gun! lmao I can drive storm, I'll punish those who decided to give me 19/20 for my English essay with lightning.
http://imgur.com/OB811 shiverMIST buster
http://imgur.com/P6j6A Venom Veiler
lolz it says 'shivering mist cannon' for shiver and 'poison snake cannon' for VV, i didn't know SK has cannons? Time to pick them up, load it and blast vanaduke out of the clockworks, btw where's my RPG, I'd rather use an RPG! :p
http://imgur.com/7ak4u MIST TANK
wth is this 'smoke grenade' as it says in CNS, we havs smoke grenades? Time to throw some at those gun puppies to blind them and maybe smash them with our shivering mist cannons. Below it says 'fill your smoke grenades, one use only!' wow in SK we have smoke grenade bars, special ability, more effective than niTROLLnomes!
http://imgur.com/V2Sap Plague needle
Saying something like 'desease/cancer needle giant cannon' i mean the first bit makes perfect sense, but wut 'giant cannon'? use autogun instead it makes sense and the translations doesn't have to be 100% based on original English text.
http://imgur.com/r8ciN super blaster
Saying 'sword of super impulse wave' making no sence at all, first its not a sword nonetheless valiance has a small 'swordlike tip', and whats with the 'impulse wave' it's a gun not a nuke bomb or any weird minecraft circuits such as clocks designed to lag the hell out of old computers.
Screenshots provided by my friend, he's currently loling and crying at retardely clever translations on GAMECYBER SK:
Atmosphere energy can (restorezz all energeeeeee) <<--- 10 digits of CE?
Nice, sexy atmosphere energy cans, just like dah coke, u open it and u drink it, but too bad its the air! the physically long! dohmah!
BTW according to my friends HK server is open today, my friend from china mainland got 3 bars, I'll get 2 probably (but hell no my cute UVs! my friends!)
Apparently when you click on your name when in a team, it says (top to bottom) "team options (fair enough), lock party (yep), "LEVEL YOURSELF UP" (that has nothing to do with go solo) and leave team.
Obviously we know that going solo results all heat loss, which is the opposite of their genius translations. And we all know in SK there's no leveling features of a character (we are not pokemon), so their translations doesn't make sense at all. Inaccurate, wrong, unreliable...)
This made my day:
It says: Unknown command /help. Use /help to list all commands.
Nice noobs will just keep on typing /help.
"terms of service"
But they used the word "service" incorrectly, they don't even know proper chinese, a "契约" occurs between lets say: an owner and a slave, or in fantasy games, a character and a summoned monster. WTH so whoever is playing on their servers are whether slaves or monsters.
Later on I asked one of my friends from Taiwan he said thats how they use the word so meh.
Obviously this is CE depot :3
Weapon slot upgrade it says: weapon hole level up (nice shove it in! it's a hole!)
heat magnifiers x3 all you need is a magnifier! (in the future we might get heat microscopes, heat telescopes, heat hubble space telescopes etc.)
To note that they can buy elevator pass with 2.1k CE, y no let we buy! dis no fair!
And then comes decoration hole level up. (another hole! shove decorations in!)
Tie cave, holes, holes, holes everywhere! (I think thats a fiend mission or something, b/c only boss fiends wear ties.)
Apparently they got the nerfed shards bomb x3 and the texture of it looks soo.... well..... (derp)
able to use/usables sigh...
[legendary/epic/old/historical beast0
The table shows monsters weakness and resistance it says:
Resist piercing (orly?)
Weak to elemental (lol beasts weak to elemental?)
golden coins for tokens, they're all gold.....
Saying 'sword of impulse waves' for blaster gun, have they even tested the weapons? Even a 4 year old knows it's a gun.
CHINESE server not displaying CHINESE properly.
required special variable number (I'm asian good at deh maths, so me shud use chaos theory to predict the variable number while me craft deh stuff)
More EPIC translations to come!
Hey, you are playing on that site? Can you check if accounts created there have any contact with those on servers here? Like if they can pm them, send mails or meet them ingame?