Bumping is an art, only something to do when your thread has fallen out of the first or even second page of whatever thread your are bumping's forum. Now, the reason I'm doing this is because of threads that get bumped before it falls off the first 5 threads, lets look at a couple of things here, shall we?
Bad Bumping:
~Bumping your thread before it falls off the front page.
Guild Recruitment: ~Bumping your thread before 24 hours after the last comment/bump.
I will not give bad bumping examples; you can find those on your own if you wish.
Good Bumping:
~Bumping your thread after it AT LEAST falls off the front page.
Guild Recruitment: ~Bumping your thread a few days after it has been posted or the last bump/comment.
Example of Good Bumping: [1] As you can see, it has been bumped 4 days since the OP has been posted.
That is all I have for now,