Feedback: New BAB and ITD, shards bomb

2 replies [Last post]

I've just tested both bombs in Advanced training hall, and maps. The radius is hellish, wow same as nitronome now!
With BAB's larger radius and long explosion time, this brings an actual use to it in both LD and maps, big angry bomb nolonger small, cute and useless.

In maps bombers can place one BAB and try gather up mobs around them, then booooom! The hellish knockback and damage will knock all mobs off to the wall, unlike original BAB with its small radius hardly does any damage. Even if it does, mobs are spammed out in all directions inevitably. With nitronome you can actually control it and corner mobs so whenever then approach you they get knockbacked, i think the same technique works with BAB too.

Haven't tested LD yet, but when guiding a cap bombers can place these BABs around knocking all skolver clones off the screen :P It takes time to charge and walking speed is decreased dramatically but this balances with its radius, damage (highest in all blast bombs) and knockback.

The big-long charge time-slow walking speed bomb, BAB (51 to robos in ATH)
The irontech bomb which has slightly more damage then nitro but longer charging time and slower walking speed, he lies between the two. (47)
The quick charging, large radius and fast walking speed but has least damage+knockback: nitronome (43)

And of course the goodlooking darkfang bomb.... vase :|

we have red screen of death, orange screen of death now :P

With the shards bomb i have to say, i dont like the change, pure swordies have brandish lines, winmillion (derp), and DA as ranged weapons.
Pure gunners well, they're ranged anyways, but how about bombers?
How are they gonna hit levers, kill puppies and even break ore? No bombers bring DR everywhere. If someone's gonna say 'just bring a gun' then this obviously makes no pure bomber, pure bombers equip purely BOMBS.

Aquajag's picture
Long Live RSS!

I didn't do maps, just the Training Hall. Looks like BAB and Irontech are basically the same bombs, only one is stronger than the other. This means Irontech is useless, yes? Because why get it if it's exactly the same as BAB only weaker? If Irontech had a slightly boosed CTR or reduced charge time or faster walk speed.... then maybe. Then you'd have three bombs scaling together: Nitro, fastest but lowest damage, would give way to Irontech, slower, with good damage, giving way to BAB: slowest but blows the crap out of things. Since Irontech and BAB have the same speeds, it's just silly.

I do really like the increased radius. I think the fuse time isn't a whole lot faster, but since it's radius is much bigger, that's not as painful. They are still kinda silly bombs, which i think will earn great hate in parties still. And since they are slower, I'm guessing the DPS on nitro is still better. So, not sure this will really cure them. But at least this way they might not be totally ridiculous to have! So, that's good.

I was using max damage boost, and mine was 66, 61, and 57 in the ATH.

Also seems to me like the chance to stun should be higher, or the power of the stun should be higher. That could also be another thing separating BAB from Irontech, the power/chance of the stun.

Unity's picture
Co-opting this thread~

Don't have a great lot to add to the two posts above, but I do like seeing these bombs get a bit of polish. Still, I don't feel compelled to use these bombs over Nitronome: the stun length is rather short on both and I have to agree with Aquajag that on the continuum of Blast Bomb alchemy paths, Irontech Destroyer doesn't have much going for it. As possible alternative fixes, I'd like to see how Big Angry Bomb would perform with its stun potency increased to 'moderate' and how Irontech would do if it gained a different status effect (like fire, for example) to more firmly set it apart.

All of this is aside from the issues with the stun status, of course, which could use a timely fix (since there will be three more stun bombs inbound from the look of things). Additionally... poor Heavy Deconstructor, still left out in the cold like a Colony refugee slogging toward Emberlight. Maybe in the next batch of bomb edits, little friend. c: