Hey guys, i'm fairly new here, so please go easy on me!
I've recently acquired both a spiral demo suit and a helm, finding both of them useful for my quests down Tier 2, I was just wondering which of the three Five star upgrades is the best to equip when i get that far? Bombastic demo, Mad bomber or Volcanic Demo? Should i go with the full set: helmet and suit for each, or shouldIi just break all the rules and go crazy: maybe equip a mad bomber helm with a volcanic demo suit? Mad i tell you, MAD!
Another question is that is the demo suit range a good armour in the first place? I liked it for the sturdy defence to be honest, even though I haven't bought or crafted a bomb yet! Is the demo suit range considered to be a good armour range?
Finally, does anyone know a good handgun to go with an arc razor? i was considering a shadowtech alchemizer or a needleshot, please give advice!
Thanks to anyone who comments, What I find so odd about Spiral knights is how nice all the players are to each other! This is my first MMO i've played and i'm loving it!
Cheers comrades!
-Sparkster the rocket knight (play Rocket knight adventures for sega genesis)
If you're an enthusiastic bomb-user, then the demo suit armor line is a good one for you. The bonuses come in the form of Charge Time Reduction or Damage Increase (bombs only), depending on which of the three 5* sets you choose. I reccommend checking out the wiki and deciding for yourself which you'd prefer, but briefly:
Volcanic - Fire resist, CTR: Medium on both pieces
Bombastic - Dmg Bonus: Low on both pieces
Mad Bomber - CTR: Medium, Dmg Bonus: Medium on both pieces; negative resistance to Fire/Poison/Freeze/Shock
Additionally, the MBomber set has slightly lower levels of Defense, both normal and elemental. Basically it is the set you use if you want to deal damage *hard* with your bombs, and not worry so much about defense. Of course you can mix and match pieces, don't feel that you absolutely must use two of the same line.
The Demo line is a pretty decent set even if you're not a full-time bomber; you get healthy amounts of normal and elemental defense which will serve you well in all Tiers.
I don't use guns at the moment - I run Sword/Bomb, and usually in a group of three or a pair. My suggestion would be a Cryotech Alchemer to go with the Arc Razor, so you can freeze mobs and finish them with the sword.
However, since you're using the Demo line... why not use bombs?