So, I recently got the test server access... And When I get on, I find these nifty little test bombs for sale.
"Oh hey, lets go test these out!"
What do I find? The blast radius's are now the same as the Nitro's. A relatively simple change, But It seems to affect things quite a bit. So, ofc, I heated them, and went to go test them.
Testing gear:
Merc Demo
2x Bomb Focus trinkets
Total Boost to each bomb:
Damage at D24:
I can tell you, it now feels almost like the whole family is here, Nitronome Being speedy, and mobile, and generally, great at the crowd control due to being able to put down multiple decent Knockback inducing blasts in a short time. You can even heard crowds and such. It's great. I like to think of it as the Base damage, and the starting point for these three bombs.
Irontech Destroyer. This one has a nice feel to it; Yeah, You're slowed a bit in all categories... Fuse time, Walk speed, Charge time... But it's gets ~10% more damage, and stun. And Although Nitronome might be stunning in the future, I'd like to suggest that if it does, the nitro only should get a slight chance of Minor stun. Reason? The slight increase in damage, as well as dealing out a status is about the right balance between Mobility, and damage. You can stinn Chain bomb a single target, and the little bit more knockback that it gives, as well as the stun, give you enough breathing room, and time, to set up your next charge. In a phrase? The ITD just feels right.
And finally, the Big Angry Bomb. Previously, the BAB suffered from the Huge Fuse, Charge, and walk speed reduction, it simply not being enough for the 20% more damage, Suda smash level knockback, and Piddly range. Now, with the range, it feels more at home. BUT. The increase to all of those, makes this bomb no longer safe. The ITD has just enough fuse for monsters to walk back in, if you play it right, while the BAB has enough knockback that slow to moderately slow enemies will not be able to walk back in, even if you run straight at them while charging. While fast enemies will be able to run in and hit you before the fuse goes off, even after being knocked to the other side of the room.
One thing I think you're not too keen on, Devs, is the Damage to control/safety ratio. At least not from what I've seen in the Live game. Take the Suda... It's supposed to be a control type weapon, deal less damage, But be able to keep you safe as well as moving monsters where you want them, and a status. But the thing is, it's NOT safe. the speed reduction calls for either a heck of alot more control, or more damage to make up for the safety issues. And since it's a control weapon, it can't take the damage, right? Then it needs more control, either with knockback or more swing range or-OOPS, off topic. Sorry...
What the Bab needs, seeing as it's supposed to be a Nuke. A Big, Angry nuke that goes "GRRRRR!" at things, there are two suggestions I'll give you, Use alot of one, or a moderate amount of both, if 'ya like. But it does need help.
Option one: BIIIIIIG Angry Bomb.
Increasing range is Very powerful, as proven with this little update... the BAB is ALMOST balanced, and the ITD is now absolutely wonderful. (I WILL be getting one on the live servers. <3 ) So, Option one would be to increase the range by about two squares to either side. Yeah, that's alot, but it will give it the range to be able to possibly chain explode one monster, (Its a freaking pain in the butt right now, if you don't have a corner handy) and have the be able to trap more monsters in a second, or third blast, because they'll have more Space that will soon be exploded. It would make this a VERY damaging bomb to crowds, and worth the Walk speed, charge time, and Fuse time Increases that make this bomb dangerous to the user.
This is the Control Bomb Route.
Option Two: Big ANGRY D:< Bomb... RAOR!
Boost the Damage Up to about 45% more then the Nitronome. Yeah, that's 355 damage compared to 245. But then you will be using the Compromised safety as the penalty for killing things faster. Quite a bit faster. Yeah, you'll get hit more often, but you'll be hitting harder too. Isn't that the point of this kind of balance?
This is the Damage Bomb Route.
Regardless, I'd put a status bump up from the ITB, to give it more BLAM! ...'ya know?
Also, this was a Walking speed + CTR test... I'll be testing the effects of Walking speed + damage shortly.

I didn't have the happy feel for the ITD, but I guess I like speed. Though I agree, the bombs do feel more balanced. I agree whole heartedly with what you say, especially the fact that SOMETHING is needed to make ITD and BAB stand out more from each other. Since ITD feels good now, makes sense to boost the BAB even more. Your radius suggestion is CRAZY but I think it would be great. Would really make the Big Angry Bomb, well, BIG.

Just to add a little extra data (Fact) to Tsu's work, I did a stop watch test on the charge time for both ITD and BAB with max CTR. ITD is a hair faster than BAB; approximately by 0.5 sec. Meaning that ITD charges at around 1.5 secs while BAB charges at around 2 seconds. Not that this is huge; you're probably only gonna notice this when spamming ITD and BAB in alternation.
Which is probably why I have to agree with the others here; the difference's between BAB and ITD are so small that they might as well be negligible. It would especially be very hard for any bomber looking at the 2 to see this at a glance. I do think that one thing that might help to make ITD more like the 'middle' bomb is to increase the walk speed; as far as my eye can, the speed for both bombs appear to be the same. Sorta make ITD lighter but still heavier than Nitro. Anything to take away from of the weight.
Or do what Tsu's saying and increase the BAB, but that the makes me wonder what major advantage that ITD would have over BAB.
Merc Demo
2x Boom Trinkets
Damage at D24
Nitronome. The Nitro looses some of it's luster by not being able to lay down a million and one bombs a second, but it's still a heck of alot more mobile then it's brothers. The mobility helps against Fast people, but it still doesn't pack the punch that the ITD does. Fairly balanced for the Mobility.
Irontech Destroyer. The mobility is counteracted by the Damage, and the timing. Seriously, the Timing on this bomb is wonderful. And this, and the BAB give the Control to knockback Trojans, and that timing means you can Kill them with JUST the ITD, or, the BAB. though it has a little trouble with fast moving, dodgy foes, It STILL has the best of both worlds.
Big Angry Bomb. It just doesn't kill fast enough. Really. If it's the Damage nuke-all-the-monster-lol-you-died bomb That I think it's supposed to be, It should be dealing more damage. More then just 60 more then the Nitronome, for that kind of Protection-less debuffs. With 45% more damage then nitronome, the BAB would be dealing 436 per hit. That's Still kinda low-ish, But It would make the BAB a Killer, not just, "LOL, lookit, it deals only 60 more damage then the Nitronome? and I keep getting hit... F that!" I mean In the live server, it's basically a longer charging Lower damaging Suda smash, right now that is. And you can still be safe using a Suda charge instead.
Also, My testing grounds were King of Ashes, Legion of Almire, and Heart of Ice. That gave me a wide range of foe types to test the vulnerability and effects of the bombs.
Now... GOOD DAY!