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Battling Bourgeois

27 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Shoebox

I'm making another thread, because I have effectively derailed my other thread and I would like to post additional ideas and rationale. This thread will of course, be about combat mechanics and how to better balance players in terms of fighting, as well as add some tactical depth to combat.

The game right now doesn't really require much active control. Every button has a set function and that function is pretty much unalterable. The attack button does a combo or it charges, the shield button blocks, the strafe button locks your facing in place. That's it.

It lacks a sens of technical depth, which will be something sought after by more hardcore players. A group of people Spiral Knights is evidently trying to attract.

My main personal gripe with the current system is that there is no depth in combat, swing, charge, block. If you use bombs, just charge and block. Obviously this isn't counting moving, but you see my point. Players aren't given much of a tactical choice. There's no risk = reward situations. If you rush in with a sword, you get chewed on like Ruff's Bone, if you use a gun, you save pressing the button for your shield and if you use bombs, your arms get sore from all the holding them straight up above your enormous head.

I like the game, I don't think it's bad. As it is now I'm sure people will enjoy playing it. But if you add that level of combat depth, you could make a good game even better.

I'm going to address the issues in a random order.


These, right now, feel very... Useless.
There's so many statuses but without being able to apply them consistently and assuredly, they pale in comparison to the status support of equipment.
Not to mention that some statuses are more desirable than others for their effects.
There are a few things that can be done to change this.

Multi-application statuses:

Sleep + Curse = Nightmare, a damaging status that leaves the afflicted immobile while taking damage from cursed night terrors.
Shock + Stun = Paralysis, a full body shutdown of movement, being paralyzed is the equivalent of being a sitting duck.
Shock + Poison = Toxic Shock, a catatonic state in which the afflicted takes 50% more damage. You still cannot heal damage and deal very little damage to enemies while under this effect.

Fire and freeze don't need a two stage effect, since they are already heavily used for their effects.

I think these two stage statuses could generate quite a lot of use for the less used statuses currently offered up. It instantly levels the playing field for groups who are having a hard time with monsters, makes the vials more desirable and promotes team co-ordination.
It would also allow for certain combinations of monsters to become quite a handful under the right circumstances.

Two stage statuses would work like this:
If you get two statuses inflicted upon you, the two stage icon will merge the two statuses and add the number together. When under the effects of a two stage status, you cannot be inflicted with another status. if you survive two stage status, you become completely immune to statuses for the next 30 seconds as well.
To prevent repeat spamming.

Change vial functions:

Vials need to be more reliable in the way the hit and inflict statuses.
A player can hold them above their head and while they do, the spot on the ground and the area it will effect is painted on the ground for you to see.
This would ensure people don't miss a vial and waste their only chance for survival.
When they hit, a small puff of chemical gases should float in the air inside the radius, Super Vials would have a larger area and a longer lasting area of effect.

Side note, but vials should be 3D objects, held like weapons. I just don't like these 2D things I'm expected to imagine are vials full of chemical liquid when it's so simple for you to just add 3D objects.


I talked about this in the other thread, but I'll do it again, I don't think I was very concise in my explanation of this idea earlier.

Bombs need to appliable at any time. They're an immensely useful tool, lost in a sea of expense and tedious attack patterns, that drives away potential users to other weapons, like guns. They're just not working out the way they are.

So, as a fix, I propose they use up their own slot.
A bomb slot, with their own button, that you can activate whenever you want to use a bomb.
This will reduce the number of slots for other weapons down to three, however I don't think this is detrimental to gameplay, considering that most games (including FPS) only allow a maximum of three weapons at a time, once you go up 4 or more, you need hotkeys for weapon selection instead of a previous/next weapon system, because it's just too fiddly to switch around that way.
Hitting the button activates them like a vial, they're in your hand, you can choose to charge it or just drop it. Running out of bombs or hitting switch weapon (either of them) will change you back to the last weapon you were using.

Bombs can't be dropped infinitely, obviously. Only a certain number for each type can be out at any given time.
Tougher, higher quality and highly abusable bombs, would be given one use before having to wait to use it again.

Bombs in the middle, like blast bombs and proto bombs, would get 2~3 uses before switching you back to your normal weapon.

The final type are proximity mines, these are traps, basically, that you can set up fpr unsuspecting prey to wander into. Or perhaps they're just racquets to help you juggle troublesome monsters.
They get 4~5 uses before a recharge.

Bombs work like this:

You get an alloted amount for each drop, so you get 3 for a blast bomb. Dropping one would mean if you need another two in a hurry, they're in stock. If you drop all 3, it means you need to wait 30~60 seconds before you can drop bombs again.

Proximity mines would work the same way, except once all 5 are deployed, the countdown starts. If all bombs aren't detonated by countdown end, they expire (disappear in a puff of smoke).

Charging bombs reduces the recharge countdown by the charge time.
So if you have lots of charge reducing equipment, you'll still be waiting a long time to drop bombs again, if you have lots of recharge reducing equipment, your charge time will be enormous.

Bomb deployment:

It would change to be in line with vials. Throwing a bomb while standing still would achieve a smaller distance, but if you move backwards while holding the bomb, it gets thrown quite a bit in front of you (depending on the bomb), allowing you to lay them down from a distance if you attract a large group of unwanted attention.
Or to just lay down support for your friends if they're in a pickle.


Swords really just need to be, not so much better, but more versatile. If you pick a fast sword, you get beat down, if you pick a heavy sword, you knock everything about but get interrupted way too easy once the next wave spawns.

Adding some additional moves, that allow you to start or end a combo differently will not only change how the swords play, but also increase how much more useful they are.

Some examples:

Backhander: In the middle of a combo, if you turn around and attack, you will do a heavy smash that knocks away monsters attacking your rear. It leaves you vulnerable for a moment afterwards, but for certain monsters it can become quite handy. Faster weapons may be able to combo after doing this attack.

Fray entry: Moving forward before your attack will let you rush forward, doing a hit from a fairly long distance (depending on the weapon). Attacking during the rush forward will end it sooner.

Charge cancel: If you do a charge attack and you're about to miss, pressing the attack button again will cancel your attack and return part of your charge if you hold it down. For slow, slow weapons like the Khorovod, this will be an invaluable tool.

Counter-hit: If you attack a monster at the last possible moment before they attack, it deals more damage on the first hit. It also increases the chance of inflicting any particular status. This only works with swords.

Angle of attack: If you attack a monster from the side or from the rear, it does more damage. Again, this only works with swords.

I think that these changes will allow for swords to become much more useful, in any combat situation. Allowing for a higher return for your risk.
Because as it stands now, swords don't have an advantage over guns, except for damage. Range is very much, the best advantage you can have.


Guns right now, are often a main weapon of those who play this game. Bombs and Swords are just too difficult or dangerous to use in most cases. Guns are also extraordinarily powerful, in the sense that they can deal so much damage without taking a single hit. However, reducing the power of guns was not the solution, so much as it was incentivising the other alternatives to guns.

I would much prefer to see guns return to their original power and the other changes happen to the weapons so that all weapons are used equally, as opposed to being forced to use one weapon and one weapon only because of equipment constraints. It should come down to preference instead of weapon strength in the end.

That said, there are a number of changes that could make weaponry more fluid in combat.

Switch combos: If you switch during a combo, the next attack will come from the weapon you're switching to.
From sword to guns: The sword would get put away and the gun will shoot out a half charge attack, which deals only slightly more than normal damage. It counts as one shot in the gun combo.
From gun to sword: The gun gets put away (not on the last shot) and the sword gets pulled out, doing move that knocks away all nearby monsters and deals normal damage. It adds +1 to the attack combo, turning 2 hit combos into 3 hit ones, etc.
From sword to sword/gun to gun: Both weapons are out at the same time and fire/attack, akin to dual wielding. It's a quick attack, which the next attack does the attack of the next weapon and not a dual attack.

The switch combos will allow for people to change to weapons they want during combat, instead of having to finish attacks or combos to change, you can change with the combat situations.
Some weapons are better suited to switch combos than others, some coupled together might create a perfect switch combo. It would promote experimentation with weapons and equipment and give players more of a reason to get more weapon slots.

General Equipment

The major problem I have noticed with the game right now is equipment and equipment progression have absolutely no correlation.
Here's a few minor changes that armour could undergo.

Specialisation: 0 and 1 star armours should have protection from everything, but at a very limited level. Upgrading your equipment or getting higher star gear should offer you less protection from other damage but offer more in specific damage.

This would make upper levels a little easier for newer players so they can craft the better armour that gives them the protection from the things they are having trouble with.

Benchmark breaks: Pretty simple, but adding some set numbers there for players to build their gear around in the dungeons would also make future additions to armour easier down the line.
These numbers are the breaks for maximum damage reduction in all three tiers:
Tier 1: 150
Tier 2: 300
Tier 3: 500
They give people a number to aim for when mixing up equipment sets and pair up nicely with the specialisation of damage resistances.
These are just example numbers really, based on what I've seen from equipment.


As they are right now, they're not so much pointless as they are... Not effectively utilised.
You're basically paying all that energy and crowns for a direct upgrade to your abilities, which is often just two of the exact same trinket in either slot.
It makes no sense giving players two slots when it's plainly obvious they're just going to double up with two of the same trinket. It creates an enormous amount of balance issues in the realm of huge charge reduction bonuses for certain weapons.

The solution isn't exactly an easy one to implement, but it's a tie in of a lot of ideas that most people would probably appreciate.

The first step, don't make trinkets inventory items, give them their own window.

The second step, take trinkets out of shops and monster drop tables.

The third step, use trinkets as an achievement reward system so that players get actual physical rewards for completing tasks, that offer a wide range of awesome effects.

Trinkets wouldn't so much be just slots to stick something in, but something you earn with your time and effort within the game.
Since you could also only get one of each trinket, it means that people can't just double their effects by paying a little extra, they would need to earn those enormous bonuses.

Some examples:
Fossilizer: Kill 100 skeletons.
It offers a low damage bonus to undead.

Flame Impaired: Be set on fire 1,000 times.
It offers a huge resistance to fire.

Pound Puppy: Ruthlessly murder a Love Puppy.
It offers up a +2 Health bonus.

Standard fare, really.

They would all have unique art inside the trinket window and when equipped, they would be visible and offer different effects.
From little flying snipes that chase you about to medals pinned on your chest, or glowing auras at your feet.

The general idea is that it's an item that people can only acquire with skill, as opposed to just buying lots of energy and trading it for the necessary materials, or just the item itself.
As well as level out the fact it will cost you money to equip them.

Anyway, that's it.

I always say I'm going to edit these posts later but I just end up making another post, so I'm probably just going to make another post if I need to add anything to this.

Legacy Username
I must say I haven't yet

I must say I haven't yet experienced the problem you have with guns.. If you wield a gun appropriate for the depth you're using it, then the damage output seems reasonable to me? You're able to shoot at things from a distance afterall. Being able to kill something in around 3 shots would make it way too easy I believe, so I don't really mind having to shoot up to 5-6 times if in return I get that safe distance between me and my enemy.

The more in-depth combat styles do seem fun, but personally I wouldn't want to have it overdone too much. I like part of the simplicity. I see it as getting a bunch of basic moves which you can use and combine in the ways you prefer to reach your goal. So I wouldn't like seeing too many "pre-programmed" combat tactics here. I'm not saying there aren't a few welcome though!

For how to use bombs, yes! I was thinking of something similar regarding how to make them better/more liked. Mostly I thought of Bomberman here :P You get a series of bombs you can put down, and then you have to wait till the previous ones exploded before you can put down new ones. The waiting time before being able to put new bombs down is better how you proposed it though, with a set time that's possibly affected by gear. Also I was thinking about charging bombs. I don't know how it used to be in the previous Preview Event, but a choice between charging and not charging bombs would be a good thing I believe. Of course this should majorly affect the damage output or status effects the bombs does then.

Vials-wise.. Being able to throw it at a more fixed position rather than have it flying straight through the sky would indeed be a lot nicer I think. It should come with a fixed range then though. The question then is, do you still control the shooting part with your mouse or would it be strictly in the direction that your knight is facing?

I'm not quite sure about mixing statuses up.. They only last a few seconds afterall, so being able to hit status A and then status B successfully within approximately 5-8 seconds could get tricky?

For the last thing in this reply, I really like the trinkets idea you put forward. I share your opinion that having them as a reward is much better than as a "purchasable upgrade". As for how you see it, would a player still be required to purchase a "trinket slot" with energy before he can use it? If yes, then the reward might not seem very rewarding because it comes attached with an energy cost in case you wish to use it? If not, then the devs might not like seeing an energy sink going away?

Legacy Username
Well, i don't see probs with guns either

Except the mk2 puppys, when they are in a number higher than 5, in a small room, unreacheable by melee, shooting at you at the same time, at ember...T.T

Now...let's talk:

>>I liked your idea of second level status, ,but i would like to disagree with some mechanichs you suggested:
-When you are inflicted by both status, they don't merge, but rather a third icon appears to show you your state, without a timer. When one of the 2 effects wear off, also the added effect will.
-30 seconds imunity is to long. I would rather say that the player get imunity to the effects in play right now, along with the added effect, and stay with this imunity till the end of both effects, and, at most, a bonus 5 seconds to let the player position itself out of range. As there aren't to many monsters that can inflict those status, appart from tortodrones, to the shock+stun, then it would be really iverpower if you add an imunity for such a rare ocasion (of course, later one could be specific status causing groups of monsters...but
-Poison+shock could be called "Coma", nstead of "Toxic Shock" appears more reasonable to me...and also don't looks like t is a pokemon attack >_< (but, wathever, we have pokeballs anyway).
-There could be a Fire+Freeze effect, that could be called "Steam": it would not cause damage over time, and would be the exact opposite to the freeze: the player/monster would be unable to shield, and unable to stop walking until the end of the status effects. He would be running amock endlesly untill dead, or cured. Also, any other itens appart from health and status cure pills would be unusable, and, adding to it all, the affected would not be able to charge, nor able to do more than one attack at a time (including monsters...i would suggest, right now, that monsters had normal, really low damagind attacks, that don't need to be charged, and don't stop players from attacking).
-Let's add some ideas here:
--Poison+fire: Fire fever: the player takes damage over time, can't heal, and can't attack at all, only being able to shield. This effect would reduce the effet time of poison, so it don't last as long, and thus don't making this one rather op
--Poison+curse: Leecher: you receive damage when you attack, have lower attack power, and, to top it up, enemies that hit you will absorb a little of the damage as health. Effect time of poison reduced to balance it.

will come with more ideas...and will read you post entirelly when i ahve the time...but not now. c ya all.

Legacy Username
I like your combo ideas,

I like your combo ideas, particularly finer control over swords. Switch combos sound interesting; but if they had too much of an advantage over normal combos, then people would be spamming the weapon switch button on every attack, which is just silly. It'd need to be situational.

After buying and levelling up a 4-star gun, I can say that the damage level is quite appropriate. I think people only think guns are weak now because they used to be inappropriately powerful, and also they're comparing them to fully levelled khorovods.

Legacy Username
@shoebox: "Every button has a


"Every button has a set function, and that's pretty much unalterable". That's part of the problem, actually.

Attack button: You cannot control if you do a combo, a normal attack, an inspect, a lift object, etc. Maybe you want to use your sword to do repeated normal attacks to avoid walking forward into a disaster. Maybe you want to swing and retreat, like you can shoot and retreat. You cannot. You cannot even avoid inspecting something if you move too close to an inspectable in combat. And it seems that you cannot revive a fallen party member if a monster is in attack range.

Shields: You'd think that it would be possible to drop shield, attack, raise shield, giving you a minimum time of exposure. No, if your shield is put back up too quickly, your attack is aborted. Yet on my Mac, when it's in low frame rate combat, I can stop attacking, and put up my shield, and it behaves like queued up attack orders must be finished before my shield will go up.

You completely left out the whole "Move forward / move backwards" controls. Normally "Move forward" is bound to primary mouse button (documented as left mouse button; if you play on a left handed computer you'll find that this is wrong.), and move backwards is not bound. Yet you can bind that to another control, and aim and retreat while firing.

"It lacks a sense of technical depth"

I don't want a game that is difficult to control.

I want a sense of *TACTICAL* depth, not technical depth.

You can add that with a simple case of zones of control, a frontline person able to block creatures from going behind, etc.

Wolvers are a disaster as far as balance goes. Sure, ash wolves that has *TELEPORT* as an ability -- Fine, let them go behind you. But other wolves doing a charge out of nowhere that cannot be interrupted to artificially get a sneak attack on you? *LAME*.

If your goal is Technical depth, then go play the sequel to Defender. That game was practically playing a piano. I don't want technical depth at all. I'll leave the game if it becomes forced to be that bad.

Separating attack from action? Good.
Give me an "Abort queue and shield" defense command? Good.
Give me the ability to say "My shield drops, and I start charging my attack"? Good. (You'd be surprised at how often I wind up with shield down and my attack not charging.)
Give me the ability to say "Drop shield and attack"? Good.

Give me the ability to keep my shield up while I do something else? Right now I can only do that if I put my shield on a mouse button, and then I'm forced to a single hand -- and I can't do that at all on a trackpad.

Now, your specifics:
1. Vials: I don't understand what you are trying to do here. I don't understand this section at all. Sorry.
2. Bombs: I agree that bombs need a major overhaul. The whole "You have to charge before use, and your charge is lost if you are hit" makes bombs a non-starter. Maybe an upgraded/heated bomb is fast enough, combined with some other "charge reduction" item, but that still means that a plain bomb is useless.

Beyond that, it looks like you are describing a completely new item, and calling it a bomb. So suggest a new item type.

3. Swords: Ahh. Now I see what you mean by "Technical".

** This isn't a "Memorize umpteen different attack combos" fighting game ***

Repeat: This isn't a street-fighter type of game where you memorize that right-left-twirl-punch-kick does a flying summersault with a half-twist landing.

If that's what you want, please go elsewhere.
If that's what we get, I will go elsewhere.

4. Guns: See swords.

5. Trinkets: Again, I think you are describing a completely new mechanic, and giving it an existing name. If you want a new mechanic, say so.

Your comment about "Just doubling up the same trinket" is a serious issue. Easiest solution is to say "you cannot use two of the same trinket". And frankly, I think trinkets are way too weak right now.

Bild des Benutzers Shoebox

"Every button has a set function, and that's pretty much unalterable". That's part of the problem, actually.

No poopoo, Sherlock. Maybe you should read a post before you comment on it?

"It lacks a sense of technical depth"

That rhymed, but that doesn't make it any less obvious you wrote this reply before you finished reading.

I want a sense of *TACTICAL* depth, not technical depth.

Yes, argue semantics. That will get people on your side... Oh wait.

You can add that with a simple case of zones of control, a frontline person able to block creatures from going behind, etc.

Plugging your own ideas in somebody else's thread, again.

Wolvers are a disaster as far as balance goes. Sure, ash wolves that has *TELEPORT* as an ability -- Fine, let them go behind you. But other wolves doing a charge out of nowhere that cannot be interrupted to artificially get a sneak attack on you? *LAME*.

What does that have to do with any of the subject matter at hand... Apart from nothing.

If your goal is Technical depth, then go play the sequel to Defender. That game was practically playing a piano. I don't want technical depth at all. I'll leave the game if it becomes forced to be that bad.

Dear Santa;

I've never asked for anything from you before, but if you can go become an employee at Three Rings and turn Spiral Knights into Defender, or Beatmania, I will leave you cookies.
And some Foster's.



Give me the ability to keep my shield up while I do something else? Right now I can only do that if I put my shield on a mouse button, and then I'm forced to a single hand -- and I can't do that at all on a trackpad.

You read my initial point, and yet... You post this? I don't understand.
I think maybe you should


Beyond that, it looks like you are describing a completely new item, and calling it a bomb. So suggest a new item type.

Uhh, no. I'm proposing a rework for bombs so that they actually become a viable option during combat.

This isn't a "Memorize umpteen different attack combos" fighting game

Adding functionality = Turning it into a fighting game?

I never knew!
Let's go take a look at the mass of other real-time action games, like Dragonica, or Pi Story (RIP), or just about any other MMO action game out of Korea that this game will have to directly contend with.
Hell if this game sucks on release, my free time isn't in any danger.

If that's what we get, I will go elsewhere.

If only I could trade bodies with Nick, just for a day...

Trinkets: Again, I think you are describing a completely new mechanic, and giving it an existing name. If you want a new mechanic, say so.

You're not kidding anybody.
You don't think at all.
Funny joke, though. Gave me a laugh.

Your comment about "Just doubling up the same trinket" is a serious issue. Easiest solution is to say "you cannot use two of the same trinket". And frankly, I think trinkets are way too weak right now.
Except the thing is they want people to buy trinket slots.

Also, Trinkets are way overpowered.
But you probably haven't found the Guildhall button yet, because you're too busy pressing your nose against the screen looking for 2 pixel discrepancies in the texture of Ash Wolvers or whatever it is you get your rocks off to.

As for everybody else, you're entitled to have an opinion!
I might address some actual things in a separate post to this one.

Bild des Benutzers Shoebox
Okay, this one is for real.

I must say I haven't yet experienced the problem you have with guns.

True enough, at the time I was writing this post, there was no Firotech Alchemer MKIII. I haven't had much of a chance to test out new guns at this time, because I can't play from this computer.
I was a bit shocked at the nerf when I compared from then to now and it was a bit worrying to me that they were about to push yet another weapon type into obscurity.

The more in-depth combat styles do seem fun, but personally I wouldn't want to have it overdone too much. I like part of the simplicity. I see it as getting a bunch of basic moves which you can use and combine in the ways you prefer to reach your goal. So I wouldn't like seeing too many "pre-programmed" combat tactics here. I'm not saying there aren't a few welcome though!

Well there's not really that many. There's only two actual moves added to weapons in that list. The rest are just ways to add more risk = reward situations.
The weapons already do combos so there's not much point in adding any more things like that.

You get a series of bombs you can put down, and then you have to wait till the previous ones exploded before you can put down new ones.

That's how they worked back in the last previews and they were subject to abuse. Specifically certain types, Freezing Vaporizers, Graviton Bombs and Crystal Bombs.
Usually in combination. Extremely potent combination.

Vials-wise.. Being able to throw it at a more fixed position rather than have it flying straight through the sky would indeed be a lot nicer I think. It should come with a fixed range then though. The question then is, do you still control the shooting part with your mouse or would it be strictly in the direction that your knight is facing?

They'd have a range, specific to where they land. That spot on the ground marks where they fall.
You'd still control them with the mouse. If you used the mouse to control your facing, that is.

I'm not quite sure about mixing statuses up.. They only last a few seconds afterall, so being able to hit status A and then status B successfully within approximately 5-8 seconds could get tricky?

Yeah, but the reason it's a bit harder to pull off is because the effects are so great. If you managed to pull it off, the second stage of the effect is the reward for it, pretty much.

If yes, then the reward might not seem very rewarding because it comes attached with an energy cost in case you wish to use it? If not, then the devs might not like seeing an energy sink going away?

I was thinking the same thing, I don't know if it would work out too well if they charged people to equip items.
But I thought that was a bad idea in the first place, honestly.

When you are inflicted by both status, they don't merge, but rather a third icon appears to show you your state, without a timer. When one of the 2 effects wear off, also the added effect will.

I don't like that idea, because monsters that are resistant to a status will suck it up in seconds, turning paralysis into free status immunity.

30 seconds imunity is to long.

Yeah, I thought it was. But it's just a number. The easiest thing to change.
Obviously, the time period needs to be long enough for the player to deal damage or kill the monsters in question causing these dual stage status effects, but not long enough that it can be abused.

Poison+curse: Leecher: you receive damage when you attack, have lower attack power, and, to top it up, enemies that hit you will absorb a little of the damage as health. Effect time of poison reduced to balance it.

The reason I didn't post something like that is because, with reduced attack and no healing ability, people aren't going to be attacking anything until the effect wears off anyway. It would be pointless to add something like that, at least to me, because player behaviour dictates that it would never be effective enough to warrant frequent use.
That and it's free HP for smart players, which is also a bad idea.

As for your ideas involving fire and freeze, I don't think they need a second stage of status. They already receive heavy use, they don't need to become more effective, as the dual stage statuses are to bring an incentive to using the other statuses out there.

I like your combo ideas, particularly finer control over swords. Switch combos sound interesting; but if they had too much of an advantage over normal combos, then people would be spamming the weapon switch button on every attack, which is just silly. It'd need to be situational.

That's pretty obvious to me, that's why they would have a delay after you switch. You could continuously switch about, but it would end up being around the same amount of damage as just finishing the combo. That's the general idea with them. They're to make players more versatile, as opposed to making them sitting ducks doing any specific actions.

After buying and levelling up a 4-star gun, I can say that the damage level is quite appropriate. I think people only think guns are weak now because they used to be inappropriately powerful, and also they're comparing them to fully levelled khorovods.

I was just going off what I saw on the day of the balance patch. I can't exactly test out other guns.
If lower ranked guns are too weak, would that be a deterrent to using them?

Range is a large advantage, but taking 6 shots to kill a Purple Jelly may be a little excessive.
Guns seem to turn the game into a turtle fest.

Also I was comparing the previous Alchemer MKII to the current one, because I don't like using Khorovods.
For the Winmillion!

Will possibly add or clarify things in the main post later.
So watch it, if you feel like watching it, anyway.

Legacy Username
> Players aren't given much

> Players aren't given much of a tactical choice. There's no risk = reward situations. If you rush in with a sword, you get chewed on like Ruff's Bone

Frankly, you are wrong.

Some swords do let you charge in and keep yourself protected. There is a risk == reward option currently in place.

Look at the examples you gave for swords.
> Adding some additional moves, that allow you to start or end a combo differently will not only change how the swords play, but also increase how much more useful they are.

You then proceed to give several examples of special combos that can be pulled off -- so now we have to memorize and finger-practice combo controls to make special attacks.

I commented on trinkets being worthless. I'm basing this on the trinkets that I see from vendors having tiny buffs to single stats. Doing a double -- two identical trinkets -- might be a big enough buff to be worth it, but a single trinket seems too weak to be worth it. Your comment about visiting the guild hall vendor brings up another issue: Are you saying that guild members get special equipment unavailable to anyone else such that being in a guild is required? If so, I claim that this is bad design. I know that guild halls have a vendor, and I thought that it was only "easy access to otherwise available but hard to get stuff", and as long as Haven currently has everything for testing, unneeded.

I did read your post. Twice. I still didn't understand all of it, and parts of it I only understood as I was writing my reply. People say I need an editor, and I need to make myself clearer; I don't think I'm the only person with those needs on this forum.

Your comment:
> Yes, argue semantics.
when I was talking about tactical versus technical tells me that we are talking about two very different things.

Are you, personally, a super-skilled warrior? I'm not.

Is your character a super skilled warrior? I'm pretty sure mine is.

Do I, while controlling a super skilled warrior, have to learn hard to memorize, difficult key-combos to get things done? I hope not.

Street Fighter type games say "Yes, you have to learn a bunch of undocumented commands to get your character to fight well". I don't like those.

I want it to be easier to choose to combo or not combo.
I want to have the ability to do other things than just "Activate".

It sounds like you want weapon change combos to do special things; special attack combos to do other special things. Etc.

That's technical difficulty of operating controls, not tactical difficulty of choices in battle.

I made the comment that your idea of each button having a specific set function being part of the problem. Let me be more specific now.

You said:
> The game right now doesn't really require much active control. Every button has a set function and that function is pretty much unalterable. The attack button does a combo or it charges, the shield button blocks, the strafe button locks your facing in place. That's it.

My response was that this isn't quite correct. The "activate" button can do inspect, revive, attack, combo attack, charge; the shield button can defend, abort attack, not abort attack. That's lack of flexibility. You can have keys to turn and move, move without turning, turn without moving, and you have a strafe button for "disable turn on the move and turn button". That's flexibility.

You are complaining about the limited controls, and you ignored a very strong control that is normally not bound: Run backwards. You've got "Run towards the mouse". The unbound is "Run backwards", while still looking forward -- that's potentially a retreat and shoot entirely on the mouse. (For a three button mouse, you can have move forward, move backwards, shoot, all on one hand.) That's a valid tactical option. I've love a "Retreat and swing" option, but swords seem to assume you want aggressiveness instead of defensiveness.

Adding some defensive sword action increases tactical.
Making the controls hard to use, or based on key combos, increases technical.

You complained that my response about technical versus tactical was arguing semantics. In fact, it is critical. High tactical, low technical is a good goal; OOO has (in my opinion) given us less tactical than would be nice, in the goal of making it "one mouse, the X key, and then let them customize things after they get used to ultra simple".

Have you ever played Defender? Or is 1980 arcade games before your time? Have you ever played Stargate (had to look up the name of the sequel)? Are you aware that Stargate is as difficult as it is because the test arcade where it was "play balanced" was the home arcade of the world champion Defender player, so it was made a challenge for the best players, making it really hard for everyone else? Is that what you want?

This exchange:

>>Give me the ability to keep my shield up while I do something else? Right now I can only do that if I put my shield on a mouse button, and then I'm forced to a single hand -- and I can't do that at all on a trackpad.

>You read my initial point, and yet... You post this? I don't understand.
I think maybe you should


Trying to have a shield up and do something else is currently an exercise in technical difficulty. Improving tactical difficulty starts with reducing the technical ones. Someone with a different input device should not have a superior play advantage just because the game has flaws that this other device works around.

>> Beyond that, it looks like you are describing a completely new item, and calling it a bomb. So suggest a new item type.

> Uhh, no. I'm proposing a rework for bombs so that they actually become a viable option during combat.

I just re-read what you had written. I still say that what you describe -- limited use drops, proximity mines, etc -- no longer behaves like the current bombs at all. In fact, you even say that this is a rework -- a new weapon that has the same name and completely different behavior.

Give me the ability to hold a charged bomb, and set it down even if I'm hit. Or even "If you're hit, you drop it right there" would be fine. Let me toss it like a grenade. Minor improvements to bombs to increase tactical options and make bombs useful, without a brand new weapon type called "bombs".

>> This isn't a "Memorize umpteen different attack combos" fighting game

> Adding functionality = Turning it into a fighting game?

No, that was a troll comment of yours. Or, you don't understand me. Choose one.

> somebody else's thread

Oh, so a thread is owned by a person? I thought threads were for discussing ideas. You know, how to increase tactics? Well, why not have real blockers? The rest of the world blocks us (even a tiny little lump of mineral can block you), so why can't we block them? Of course, if you add in blockage to improve tactical options, you have to deal with the ... maneuver that is "charge instantly past the enemy and attack their rear" of wolves.

Legacy Username
Shoebox don't start swearing

Shoebox don't start swearing please. He's making some valid points in his replies. Points that dont agree with your OP perhaps. But you can't expect everybody to agree on your ideas, and neither should you not try to think where those opposing ideas come from.. you have your view, he has his. Try to understand his too rather than make such a hassle about it?

Legacy Username
You did actually sum up

You did actually sum up example of fighting-combo's.. and he's right aswell that some ideas you gave about bombs do lean away much from the current bomb-design. He didn't say it was a bad thing though, he only implied it might fit better in a new weapon category. (to be more specific > proximity mines, I like the idea, but it's not closely related to our current bombs at all :P)

I'm not going to point out more of those things.. the thread is already getting derailed enough as it is. Just try being less intolerable yourself too Shoebox, it's not just him.

Legacy Username
just adding up

i like the idea of a new iten in substituiton of our bombs, because bombs now are only help weapons, rather than secondary, and we need to pay 150-200 CE a month to be able to use then to the fullest, as a third weapon (now i don't remeber the cost). Having a bomb system that don't need us to buy a slot to be useable in some way is good, mostly because it would let us use our 4 slots more tatically.
also, he is not suggesting a new iten system with a new iten (mines), he is suggesting a total change in the bomb system itself, removing the actual bombs, and adding this new system to compensate.

Legacy Username
Just a quickie: > try to

Just a quickie:
> try to maintain your game references to console games, rather then computer ones. not everyone was able to paly computer games when they where released, but most people had the opportunitty to play console one, so there is a bigger chance that people will know what you are talking about if you mirror your thought to console games, rather than computer games of old.

The problem is, I know "computer games of old" much more than I know console games. My console game experience basically jumps from the 2600 to the Wii, with little or almost nothing in between.

Games of the 80's? One of the first games I played was the sun-gravity two player space shooter. Another early game I played was pong. Yes, I'm that old.

My first real computer was a Trs-80, level 2. Low graphics, so game play was everything. And people could get real inventive when graphics weren't the big issue. Then, all of a sudden, people learned how to actually do animations and sound effects that didn't stop the game. Voice effects from a computer that wasn't supposed to even be able to do them.

Gauntlet not a well known game? Maybe I am dated. I've thought it's a well known, historic game. Same as "Defender". I wouldn't expect people to know "Stargate" by name, and I even pointed out that it's the sequel.

I was at UCLA at a time when it, and the big arcade in Westwood (little college student activity town just outside the campus), were both used as beta-test sites by some game companies, so I saw a lot of not-ready-for-prime-time games, and some that never got a big release at all.

Now, some meat:

Yes, I agree that we can have changes to mechanics. Big ones. I've suggested a few.
But I haven't suggested completely ripping an existing mechanism just because it has problems.

> you answer every post in suggestions as if it was guaranted content

... significantly more valid than not. Yes, I do tend to respond to suggestions as if it were to be implemented, to give my thoughts on the proposed idea.

Are you saying that this is a bad thing? What do you think is a better thing?
(Please consider that as serious, not mocking. I'm trying to make sure my "tone" is understood.)


One of my first real life lessons with weapon combat is that if you are just aggressive with a sword (and granted, it wasn't a real "sharp metal blade that will hurt you" sword), then one deflection by your opponent will leave you wide open. Defensive sword play is critical; keeping your guard up is important.

Someone who knew swords a lot better than I said that my style was that of a bastard-sword fighter: I relied on my strength to overpower the other person, which left me wide open to the first person who was stronger, or used judo-style sword techniques (use your opponent's strength against them).

You even mention parrying a few lines later.

Rapier/foil fencing is the only type of sword play I know of where "I see an opening; an all out attack is a tie or better" actually works. There may be some; I don't know of them.

(And yes, two highly skilled sword fighters will have a very short fight. One good hit and it will be over. That's not the point.)

>stop making so direct references from other games

OK, which of the following do you want me to do:
1. Explain in very long details the concept that I am referring to, assuming that you've never done anything of that type before,
2. Reference another thing (another program, a real-life event, etc) that has similar things to what I'm talking about.
3. Something in the middle

I use a lot of references. Yes. It's ...

Alright, how would you explain an emotion without referring to some sort of shared experience?

Remember Star Trek: The Next Generation? When Data got an emotion system activated, and responded with something like "So far I've cataloged 1300 different emotional responses"? Or how about the third movie: Spock back from the dead, McCoy saying "Tell me what being dead was like", and Spock responding something like "We have no common experiences to refer to".

References make conversations short enough to be possible. I don't complain when people make a lot of references to console games that I've never heard of. I try to understand from context as much as I can.

> Talk about a game, if you like, but outline what you want people to know, not just say it and let only people who played to understand.

Fair enough. I'll do this, and maybe others can as well.

> this game is more focused to a younger mass, not too young, but not too mature either

(I'm not sure which 5 words you're referring to)

I'm not at all sure that I agree with this. YPP is very much focused on older gamers -- prior to the green oceans, the average play age was among the oldest in the industry, and the male/female split was almost even. Nothing in the core gameplay has changed, other than how you pay to play.

I see nothing in this game that says "I'm aimed at young people". If anything, I'd say it's too violent to let a young child play. If this gets an equivalent of "E" for everyone, I'll ... something :-).

How would I rate it? PG, with a suggested minimum age of "draft-eligible", with the warning of (non-realistic) guns, swords, and massive destruction as normal and common.

Does that make me an old "Fudder-Dudder" (or is that even still the term used?)? Oh, and I'm 46.

> his aparent inability to sense sarcasm writings
You're right. My ability to detect ironic sarcasm and rhetorical questions is almost nil. Other types of sarcasm I can detect.

But a good setup line ... I think it was Nemesis (a YPP Ocean Master) who responded to my "Sorry, couldn't resist" with "Next time, try harder".

Oh: "Weapon": That, and "Tool", have exactly the same meaning! .

There is no difference between a tool and a weapon. Never mind that they may have a different dictionary definition.

The best definition for weapon: A tool used to inflict damage.

A weapon is a tool; the only difference is the intent of usage.

Look around your kitchen, and try to name three things that are not weapons.

Legacy Username
so, let's counter..

first, i need to was the thing that i least expected in an mmo....your age that is it, buuuuuut, this still doesn't change some, to the defendant's chair:
(edit): 46?!?

>Alright, if you know more about computer games than console ones, then try to tell us wich parts of the game itself you are refering: gameplay (what parts of the gameplay), ideas, systems, and so on, and not just throw the name and hope for someone to actually look at the internet to see what are you talking about. Stargate, as i said previously, is more known now as a tv series than a game, and i must say that, even the people that actually played the game, will need some time to ring the bell and remember the game, after rulminating the series out. Gauntlet isn't a very known game just because it wasn't so spread out in console games as it was in computer games (i played on version for PS), thus, making less probable that people will understand your references. Resuming: if you want to refere to another game that you know, fine, but outline what you want the people to know, what is important for the idea you are trying to show, and not simply saying to put the entire game as a reference (putting only the name is more or less like saying "see it all and try to rip ideas from it as most as you can"). This is valid even if iss for games like final fantasy series, megaman, and so on (a lot of people know about them, but, from these people, some actually only know it by name, and some can't remember some things, so saying to be sure is a good excercise).

>A side note here: i'm a nerd, not a geek: this means that i'm the kind of people that like to study, and geeks are the evolution of nerds, that now a lot of things from a single area, considered strange or diferent to the people in general, more focused at eletronics and fiction (i'm not trying to mock or insult anyone here, is just the way that i see things). Just to translate: you said a lot of things about computer and the star treek was just dust in the wind for me, i never saw an entire series of star trek, and never cared to see it all, and i don't know much about computer insides and so on (you can just see that i can use a computer quite well, but i'm not concerned with wich video card i'm using, nor with how much ROM i have (that i thought it was 4Gb until yesterday, when i discovered it was 2Gb.)..i know some things of java programing that i learnt at universty, if it helps).

>Swords are meant to be aggressive at the time they are called weapons. Adding tatics to parry, get out of the way, and defend, even using the own sword, don't comes from the sword sharpness, but from the person who wield it (a person that wields well a sword can give it sword to someone untrained, and the untrained will lose badly). The point here, as you said about judo, is adding systems that actually let you use a sword in a defensive way, not transforming it in a defense/attack weapon, but in an addapted weapon style to a sword (i'm doing this quite frequently in pvp, by the fact that i'm timing better my attacks with the attacks of others, so i can use the best time to rush in with a combo, and the better time to do a single hit and shield back). Acting as a bastard sword fighter can turn to be a good defensive measure, as if you act unpredictable, while evading, and then rely on strenghtned sword hits to outclass some of the defenses, you can actually do a number on the opponent, but only if are skilled enough to it.

>as direct game references, i was trying to say: stop just adding a name and letting it be, so only people that know the game or people that bothered to search it canc omment (i don't bother, because i would need ot paly to understand clearly what are you saying, and i don't need more games to get in the way of some problems that i'm having). But this was already discussed some > above.

>again about the age (now that the number 46 fixed in my mind): no, by any means, it makes you anything at all that we might get concerned. You do as you please, and it is only problem to you (and maybe the guy that you try to throw the soda can, of this is one of the things you would wish to do). Just do what pleases you, and let you have some fun. I'm just impressed that there where oldies (sorry for the term, but you have almost the age of my father) that actually play mmos (i know that they exist, but just was not expecting to find one in a closed beta). correction: you seen to i would let a child paly this game..i would be reluctant only if it avtually begin to show bloody pools, or some kind of animated intuitive violence (like sometimes dividing an enemy in 2 in a comic way)...i think this game can easilly be rated with the same rate zeda, link to the past was (but i'm not the one that is taking care of your children, so, educate them as you please).

>References make conversations short enough to be possible. I don't complain when people make a lot of references to console games that I've never heard of. I try to understand from context as much as I can.; just wanted t ouline this test in particular: i'm jsut daying this because your references could not be refered to any contest at all (you began a topic saying something like "this game could be more like gauntlet.", and that's it, no contest to put it in...i'm not saying to don't put references (if you think a reference is important, and want to outline the main idea, do it. i, almost all times, get excited and write a lot of what i want people to see in the game too...but at least, every game reference that had something to do with the topic i outlined the main idea that i was trying to show, as the golem system from legend of mana. I do said something like okami and zelda, but, the only think people needed to know is that they are dungeon crawlers, so, no more to add))

Finishing one more long post...maybe we could gain forum points depending on the number of letters used in posts (a rac to the top between me and curtain)(this idea is a joke, please, consider it as a joke).

Legacy Username
<derail>mwahahha, now the

<derail>mwahahha, now the devs are gonna implement forum statuses just for you Cien_Tao, and promote you to Chief Babbles!</derail>

Legacy Username
actually, i don't think so

mostly because curtain have a title to get himself >_<

...however, there is always the possibilitty to ge the status to both of us... (sad face)

Bild des Benutzers Shoebox
Look at what happens when you pay attention to BehindCurtai

I'm just going to send suggestions by e-mail from now on.

This is just getting stupid.

Legacy Username
shoebox, now you are being a morom

stop whiming...behindcurtai might be oldie, but now you are acting like a ranting child...
put your ideas, and see the critics, and respond to bad critics, and defend your ideals...what you are doing now is fleeing, as you know that no one will disagree with you via e-mail suggestion, but you do know that, even if they rear you att he e-mail suggestion, there's a higher chance of a better thing to come out if everyone helps lapidate an idea, and that's what we do here (with some/ a lot of oftopics, but get on with it, this is a beggining forum of a closed beta game, not a full forum of a released game, so this is normal, and most people do it for fun).

Let's see if i can help by suggesting anything more and going on topic again:

Just one thing, though: i was reading your gun ideas, and read the gun switch to sword...actually, i do agree with the part of continuing a combo by switching weapons, but, not the way you suggested. I would more likelly to use a combo that uses the actual combo number of the weapon. Example: you use a sword with 2 hits, a gun with 2 hits, and a sword with 3 hits. If you change for the gun after the first sword hit, then it will do the second shot, and cooldown as it is the last shot, thus, you can't add a third attack with the other sword, but, if it was 2, 3, 3, then you would be able to add the third attack with another weapon. Actually, with this change, i would be most likelly be able to combo very well a shot followed by a khoro seconder, adding to the combo very well...and, just adding, i hate the fact that if i change weapons and fastly attack, it will attack with the previous weapon, then change, even if i pressed the commands the opposite...i got killed so many times because this.

Bild des Benutzers Shoebox
Context? Because it scams implications!

The thing about switch combos is in the name.

They let you switch combos, not combo switches.

Although you could do both if you so desire.
It probably wouldn't end well for you, but you'd look flailing about as you die.

The attacks between the combos aren't even all that necessary, but waiting for an animation to finish so you can do something else belongs back in the Jurassic Age, back when Curtai was born.

Also, since people are so prone to not reading... In a forum...Where all there is to do is read.
I don't think anybody is going to be missing out on anything if I stop posting my ideas here.
Except maybe some choice opportunities to assume things and imply they read them, just to piss me off.

Legacy Username
>Alright, if you know more

>Alright, if you know more about computer games than console ones, then try to tell us wich parts of the game itself you are refering: gameplay (what parts of the gameplay), ideas, systems, and so on,


Stargate: You had to shoot alien invaders, and protect people on a planet. Invaders basically came in two types (technically 3), there were landers who would try to pick up a person, and if they took one to the top, they turned into an ultra aggressive nasty. If all of the humans were killed, your planet was destroyed, you were fighting in space, and all of those "landers" would start the level as the ultra aggressives. If you shot a lander carrying a person, the person would fall to the ground, and die if they went splat -- you had to catch them.

The "best" strategy turned out to be: Kill 9 of your 10 people, to prevent the nasty aliens, and then protect that one. Some people even went as far as to carry that last one, to make sure that no nasty aliens can occur.

The controls: An up/down joystick, a reverse button, a fire button, and a smart bomb/superzap button. One stick, 3 buttons.

Stargate -- the sequel -- had, if I recall, 6 buttons, new aliens to make that strategy unworkable, "carriers" that would split into 6 (?) enemies if shot, an alien battle plan that put all of those carriers in one spot before they opened up, with their location marked on your map, and even telling you how many seconds until their bunch-up -- literally, the game was saying, "your smart bomb is intended for use in this one spot, at this one time, and you have to fight your way there to use it"

Stargate was horrifically deadly. As I said, the arcade where they took playtesting information turned out to be the arcade where the world champion defender player played. I don't know if they ever patched that.

The issue I was referring to regarding these two was the controls of stargate: Too many buttons! I don't even remember what they all did.

Gauntlet: You went down into an endless series of dungeon levels. Some had room layouts that made "sense"; some seemed to be random assortments of hallways. Some would be similar, but not identical, to others -- the minor differences meant that almost identical levels took very different strategies. One of the features was "traps" that would make walls disappear, as well as walls made of "doors" that would open by using a key -- very similar to the "shoot this block and all connected walls go poof" feature that we have.

Gauntlet is the closest thing to this game that I've seen in the arcades. The biggest difference is that we don't have "Generators" that spawn endless waves of monsters (depending on the game's difficulty switches, roughly a 20% to 80% "fill" rate for a corridor), and the monsters that we do have tend to be harder to kill. Additionally, the "ghosts" in that game were single damage infliction -- they hit you, they go away. They don't stay around and keep hitting you.

Some of the levels -- the layouts, etc -- would make great levels for this game.

Star Trek: Well, I thought my examples would be well-enough known. In one, Spock -- an alien from a culture with a high value on logic over emotions -- dies at the end of one movie, and is brought back to life in the next movie. Later, he is asked what death is like, and responds (approximately), "We have no common experiences to reference. I cannot describe it."

As for Data, he is the first fully intelligent android (talk about not understanding computers -- roughly 400 years from now and only just getting a computer brain able to think as well as a human brain), however, he has no emotional response at all, at least, not initially. (The sequel series' version of Spock from the first series.) When he does get an emotion chip installed (yea, one chip to enable emotions -- go figure :-), one of the first things he does is catalog specific emotional responses -- as in, "This sense of anger is not quite the same as that sense of anger", and catalogs over 1,000 different emotions in under 24 hours. In an earlier episode, where he gets a momentary burst of emotions, he tries to discuss what emotions are, and what they feel like, with an engineer on board the ship, and asks, (again, paraphrased), "Can you describe anger without referring to another emotion?", to which the engineer answers, "no".

The point of these two was to indicate the important of references, and shared, common references.

Oh: "your references could not be referred to any contest at all ": The word you want is "Context", with an "X". You have the same misspelling multiple times.

As for a race for forum posts, well, you lose :-). Look at the puzzle pirates forums, and see who [s]leads[/s] [b]is in second place for[/b] the top post count over there.

Legacy Username
> waiting for an animation to

> waiting for an animation to finish so you can do something else belongs back in the Jurassic Age, back when Curtai was born.

Please. Late stone age / Early iron age. :-)

("Flintstones. Meet the Flintstones. They're a modern stone age family")

Legacy Username
let's try to minimize it a little

sorry for not telling that i knew some parts of the star trek series (and saw the recent movie), i just intended to say that i was not too familiarized to remeber each text of an specific episode.

Now, let's try to minimize it a little, just some people don't beggin ranting against us by the lenght of our posts:

-No need to describe when the game was released, for wich plataform, or strategies of the game itself, unless it concerns deeply to the thread;
-About stargate, you could simply resume to something like: "stargate was a game where you need to protect your people from invading aliens, that would try to get your people. There where only 3 buttons (reverse direction, fire, and super bomb), and the joystick up/down. When the sequel was released, they added so there was 6 buttons and the joystick, where the main dificulty passed to be masterizing the buttons rather then masterizing thechics and strategys. Putting it here, it would be the same as changing priorities of a game dificulty." (here, resumed your 10 line text in an almost 3 line text, saying what you wanted too (i hope);
-about gauntlet, you could had let out some of the infos about rooms, or not told some of them, as here in this post, you could only say that the level formation was pretty similar, apaprt from the specific diferences that you would outline (door walls, similar levels that required completelly diferent strategys to pass, and so on). The spawn rate is an undesarible extra here, as the developers would know that it is insane to make somthing spawn endleslly monsters to lag our life.
-i think most of the information regarding star trek is extra, and doesn't concern about this thread at all, but i'm to lazy and late to try to resume it (also, i thought that spock was an alien/vulcan, that are born with the capacity to supress totally their emotions, to let them think rationally to the extreme, and not a computer at all. you said in the first part that it was an alien, but them changed it saying it was a computer brain/android).

-You have the same misspelling multiple times. Thanks, teacher
I'm Brazilian, and i must admit that i know far much more about english than the great part of this country, but, i'm not "fluent" in writing, and you would have your ears bleeding in no time if you tried to understand me talking in english, mostly because of drastic speech errors...But i try (most of what i learnt was by self tutoring, while playing video-games, because i wanted to understand what the people where talking, and mostly because i like RPGs, and you can't progress in any RPG if you don't read the texts (now it is right, know it all >_<).

Legacy Username
>this thread

>this thread

Legacy Username
This is the thread that never
Bild des Benutzers Shoebox
I'll just leave this here
Legacy Username
oh, that was cute

rose made a poem for this thread, and shoebox finally showed how he fell towards another person...cuteness in person (sarcasm only to shoebox, but i liked how you make your poem rose >_<).

Let's try to stay on topic...

About the trinkets, i more or less agree with your idea, but i'd rather have these as secret achievments, where you gain just one of the trinket, rathe than a main way to get trinkets (if i understood your idea).

Legacy Username
Hmm, I wouldn't really mind

Hmm, I wouldn't really mind having some achievements that you can earn throughout the game though, but then it would probably be better to have it as a totally new part of the game? Perhaps some regarding "finish a level without loosing any health" or "finish a level without using your shield". There's plenty of fun things you can do with this I think. These don't all need to be power-up rewarding though, perhaps a slight crowns (or even CE energy?) reward could be fun. Or maybe for really, really hard ones a limited edition item or recipe?

Just throwing out ideas here.

Legacy Username
i vote for a lot of visual equips

as my title said. Visual equips in some harder achievments, usefull untreadable equips for harder ones, some crowns and heat (and itens, sometimes) for most of them. But, for some achievs, it would need to have a little more requeriments to make them worth. Examples:

-Finish a tier 1 floor without receiving damage, using a full tier 1 armor, without trinkets, to receive a visual equip, along with crowns and heat;
-Go from Haven to Moorcraft using full tier 1, without trinkets, and without receiving more than 6 damage, to receive a 2* exclusive equip, along with crowns and heat;
-Repeat both of the above for higher tiers, but add 1 trinket max for moor, and 2 trinkets max for ember;
-Kill a determined number of a monter race (devil, beast, construct) to get crowns and heat;
-Kill a determined number of a specific monster (fired deviling, healer gremlim, ironwood) to get a visual equip set based on that monster;
-Get X amount of a kind of material to open a kind of trade NPC, that let you trade huge amount of materials for crowns, more than its sell value at normal NPC (at the current rate, it could be something like 300 crowns for 80 0* equip);

PS joke:
-Kill a shield gremlin without receive damage, using a tier 1 full set, without trinkets: 300.000k crown, level 10 5* full set, with weapons, trinkets, and shield included. Also, invincibilitty against the frst 1k goblins at each level.

Legacy Username
> When the sequel was

> When the sequel was released, they added so there was 6 buttons and the joystick, where the main dificulty passed to be mastering the buttons rather then mastering tactics and strategys.

That's it!

That's what I mean by "I don't want technical difficulty, I want tactical difficulty".

Re: Art work:
Tee hee.