I'm a big fan of playing Lockdown. But I'm only getting around 5000-6000 damage per game. I'm working on getting the right gear for LD, which I am very close to. But I'd like to learn some good tactics. I usually play in Striker mode. So can anybody help me? (:
Lockdown Tips?
Tip? Damage doesn't matter. Play the objective! There are capture points for a reason. My average damage is roughly 5k-8k. I don't care, as I'm capturing and defending points. Typically I take down players that people regard as pros, yet I don't get the same damage. However, my team will usually win from our captured points.
Anyways, just take a set you're comfortable with and just practice. The more you play, the better you'll do.
Tier 3. Skolver Cap, Skolver Coat. Divine Avenger, Argent Peacemaker, soon to have Barbarous Thorn Blade.. I'm better at an assault, rather than a retreat. I get killed mostly when people gang up on me. Answer enough?
I'll give advice in terms of 1v1, or 1v#
1v1: Assuming you're versing a striker. There are several things you can do:
-If they wield a gun, get close and personal.
-If they wield a toothpick, wait until their boost is gone. Charge in for the kill.
-If they wield a bomb or heavy sword, get them as they finish striking or right before (just make sure you escape out of range).
1v2: Focus on one at a time, using the tactics of the 1v1 while keeping track of the other.
1v3+: You won't win. Get out of there and let one follow you. Once they are fooled into following you, strike.
Edit: I posted this as battle strategy, not for higher damage.
Work with your teammates. They're there for a reason. Don't outrun them and get caught without support (or without striker boost!). If a guardian has a shield up, try to maneuver your opponent to fight inside the area where you're protected. But don't just stand idle on top of a guardian; if the same swing hits two players, the shield will break faster.
Actually, just never hold still. Move unpredictably and at random, but try to stay on top of capture points when possible. Your job is to maximize captures by your team, while distracting opponents and generally preventing them from capturing. Do not run past vulnerable CPs in your zeal to hit things: this is called Idiot Striker Syndrome (ISS), and it will cause your team to lose.
Don't attack alongside teammates by taking the exact same route at the same time, as this will allow a clever polaris user to hit your entire team with a single shot. Force opponents to spread their attention across multiple targets.
If you decide to play recon, don't turn on your cloak, then walk in exactly the same place as a visible teammate. This is very common, and very silly.
Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmm. I cant believe no one said shield cancel? lol
can we know what tier? what armor you have? weapons? what your good at, what always kills you, etc. the more info the better :P