Hello everyone! Because I'm the only guild master of BoE who gets on the forums, I suppose I'll have to be the one to make a thread here about us. One of our goals(or more, one of my goals) is to aid members gain access to higher tiers, which are funner than earlier tiers. Because of this, we aren't one of those "T3 only or your out" guilds. We respect skill more than gear. You may be thinking at this point that there are rude noobs here, but we still respect manners; being highly rude about the guild and/or to other members will get you demoted/kicked based on how bad you've been. (The reverse applies: be a good member and you'll get promoted. Why is being promoted good? Well, heh, I can't say till sometime in the future, beyond that you get to chose an aura.)
Courtesy of Necromus (I think), we have some extra Lore about SK. We also have an aura system. Of course, to learn more, instead of copying that all here, I'll just link you to the wiki page. From there, you can see our Steam page, our wiki (which is relatively small for now.), and our very own forums. (Which I have given up about 6 hours to get running. You can't make an account there unless your in the guild. If it wasn't like that, why the heck would it be guild forums then? You can't see most of the forums unless your are registered, btw. See next post.)
I must warn you: as of posting this, there are only about 15-20 people who get on frequently, despite having 70 guild members. One reason is that many members have left SK altogether. They have often never told me quite why, although some of them left just because they got tired of SK or they rage quit after OCH. I'm working to clean this up to make room for new members, though, by kicking anyone who hasn't logged on for about 2-3 months. (With some exceptions.)
Furthermore, I am trying to increase this by having a Daily Delving Hour, which would be a set time when for organizing guild runs and guild PVP teams. (Although nothing is official yet. We haven't decided on any time to do this.) Also, something that we have been doing since the beginning of the guild, is our meetings. They happen at around 1:30 PM PST. I'll check in a bit to see what this translates to in game time to make things easier. (Unless game time is PST.)
Okay, no previously we would allow pretty much anyone to enter just by asking(and heck, I do that sometimes anyway), but that allowed for trolls, derps, people who left SK the day after joining, and rude people to join. From now on, I'm going to have an official registration forum. Um, let's see...Ah! Here it is! Either copy paste this forum into a SK message and mail me, or copy paste this into a forum post. (Things in square brackets are notes that you can leave out) Also, by filling this forum out, you are saying you are fine with what is on our wiki page, and you won't shout at us about it. Asking questions is about it and other things is okay, but shouting in our faces that our ideas/Lore is lame/dumb/stupid will get you kicked and ignored.
IGN: [In game name. Leave this out if you are mailing to me or if your forum account is the one you'd like to register]
Date Joined: [You don't need to give exact date. Saying something like "A month ago" or "Before the release" is enough for me]
Mission Rank: [i.e. 5-3, 8-9. Things like that]
Aura: [You don't know what that is? Then you should be reading our page on the wiki! Neutral will work if you can't decide yet]
Typical Activity: [When you get on, what do you usually do? An example is: FSC/KoA runs, followed by a few games of PvP.]
That's all I can think of! I may change things every now and then. Feel free to ask questions if you are unsure about something. (I can't believe I've just typed all this so fast.)
Guild master of fire and flame
Doesn't anyone like my guild? *Sniff*