Is anyone having log in problems after this latest reboot? It keeps saying that it failed to connect to the server for me and it's been like that for the past 20 minutes, and I was wondering if I'm not the only one experiencing this =/
Logging in
I thought that would be at 6:00 pacific time, and it's 1:30 here in NZ =/
Oh wait, nvm lol, I see above the picture the time... What pacific time are they going by???
...Why is that great, It's not like I posted on your thread or anything.
Damn, and here I thought I was the forum legend.
Pokenuevo cries pitifully.
OOO is based in California, I believe. So if you need help converting time, I suggest looking up the time in a place like San Francisco or Los Angeles.
EDIT: I'm not even going to bother for a detailed post.
But seeing the state of the forums, I doubt anyone actually looked at the announcements section, or their mail first BEFORE making threads like this,except for a handful of players. I am at a loss for words.
Dont be so quick to judge him guys! People are in different time zones. For all we know he could have been out all day and not been able to come on in time to check the mailbox before the servers went offline.
I myself barely got a chance to catch the mail right before going to bed. (And i just woke up so idk why im tying this @.@ off to shower i go)
Thanks Enclavean, I don't go to forums often (barely have been in the last few weeks) and it's always such a surprise to see such a nice welcoming committee, people who love to complain and say your thread is dumb, you don't check your mail....
But of course not many of us are mature enough to just answer a querie nicely and politely, instead of shooting down the thread and it's creator -__-
Like you said, many of us are in different time zones, but then again i guess that doesn't matter to some people.
You have a nice day Enclavean ^_^
Oh and btw, thanks to you too Traevelliath, that's the answer I was looking for =) You also have a great day!
I post in most threads.
I don't see how someone would get honored over me doing that.
And if you ask something so obvious that could be answered by checking your mail... it takes a lot of tolerance to answer to you properly.
I haven't been on the forums for too long actually! I mean, posting regularly. I've only recently stopped lurking. :)
OOO sent out a message saying the servers are gonna be down for several hours. So you're gonna hafta wait a bit.