Im sorry to say but seriously people are getting angry because people that are trying to be nice and give us a free game try to make it better and fix problems but all i have seen people do is complain about time etc they give us a warning thats more to say than alot of other games that u would actually pay for they be nice about it and people just complain there is no reason to complain its just to further make peoples experience on it better no point if you gonna play the game and they didnt do what they do you wouldnt be able to do anything at all due to bugs of invincibility like the current snarbolax bug or ones that make it where u cant inspect people or others all the GMs try to do is help us and people yall should thank them every now and then the gear they must have to use to be able to hold up servers 24/7 isnt free but they made the game free and i have never seen somebody say thank you for just making the game better for us..... just felt like saying what was on my mind i appoligize
i know how you feel but i got bored because its 10pm here and spiral knights is the only game i play so i went on forums and all i saw was people complaining about GMs updating and there is no point since they are just trying to make a already fun free game better

No need to apologize for saying what you think. Everyone has a voice that needs to be heard. I must admit it must get frustrating when nobody appreciates the work you do, and doesn't give a /thanks every now and again. And they usually give over an hours notice, unless it's something important that needs quick fixing, so I'm fine with the timing =)
Usually updates here in New Zealand happen at midnight anyway, so it doesn't really bother me ^_^

And here you are, complaining about other people's complaints.
Well thank you Sir-Alfred i just got bored and i wasnt mad about update but when i saw forums it bugged me that nobody ever says thanks for what they do they just complain that something happens and it made me mad about that and i just wanted to share my opinion

For some reason I can't understand what Rebel is saying. It's probably due to my somewhat A.D.D. but yeah, in honesty I can't comprehend anything they typed.
im saying people shouldnt complain just because they got a warning that the game had to be updated ASAP and people should thank game masters every now and then for what they do

This is false. I've seen many thank-yous directed at the devs. EoS even sent them a custom cake.
Also, I like SK and OOO just fine, but neither is a charity project. Revenue from SK pays OOO's bills, and OOO pays its employees for their work. They aren't doing it to be nice (although I'm sure they are plenty nice).
artist said it and he is the first person i have ever seen say thanks for what they do

Thank you for the very awesome game! Hope repairing this bug isn't too hard! =)

I'm going to complain about you complaining about other people complaining....But wait...wait wth? that didn't even make sense.
of course fallconn would see this :P now we gotta wait for shoebox he will find his way somehow

Have you ever thought that some people are just trying to make the game more enjoyable. The developers deserve thank yous, but its their job to better this game and its our (the forumers) job to tell them what's wrong so they can better it.
@yttriu i agree with you it is their job but some people are proud of what they do and its always nice to recieve recognition for what they do and all i have seen except 2 people now are people complaining about not enough of a warning when it was a 30min warning or like they want energy back for the depths they did right before the downtime

Pff, I'm like the Eurydice that doesn't get paid, I read All the forums.

The only reason players are complaining is because they are following the media around here. Most of them are just teenagers & Diablo 3 fans. SK wasn't meant to become those hardcore games that we play for 5 hours plus & etc. It was never meant to be a grindage game, SK was to be a cute adorable game that we played in time & players developed in time. Because of the recent change in community, a demand for more content & more profit, the devs had to change their game from what they wanted it to be to what the players wanted it to be. But it's more of a balance of both. (something like that)

@Rebel-Wolf Did you skip the part where I said they deserve thanks? They do an amazing job. In fact, Thank you developers! -love Yttriu. But everyone needs a little constructive criticism.
lol i see that but u and shoebox are actually funny reading some stuff and you get paid by yourself

Fallconn: "Pff, I'm like the Eurydice that doesn't get paid, I read All the forums."
Do you confuse knights with food as well?
Rebel, usually I'd be up for what you're saying. However, Artist is not the only one to thank OOO. There have been countless threads revolving around the idea (one made similarly by myself about making Eury's life a little easier). The downtime is nothing too fuss about, but people want to play their game and aren't smart enough to read the mail or read the Announcements. If they complain, they make themselves look stupid and that's punishment enough.

@Kitty: Trust me, you're not alone. e.e The OP was pretty much incomprehensible.
@OP: EoS baked a massive Love Puppy cake and sent it off to the GMs, along with a bunch of themed biscuits.
There are fairly regular thankyous to the admins. You should get around the forums more.
also dat one sentence paragraph
Please get acquainted with your friends the punctuation symbols.

Never apologize for speaking your mind, and doing so courteously. But let us be clear about the bottom line.
Three Rings (OOO) is not developing this game to be nice, and there is nothing free, about free to play. The entire model is designed to get people to spend energy, and you can always get more energy quicky by spending cash, not crowns. Do not attribute their motives to altruism.
They are in business, and seem to be doing well. I consider myself a Free to Play player, but really, I am Pay to Play, because have spent more US dollars in here than any two other premium games combined. I expect to spend more, at least on elevator passes and the occasional bundles that get my attention.
Now, having said that... here is the part about appreciation.
I have been a gamer since the late 1970's, and can tell you from experience that Three Rings is one of the most responsive game developers I have ever seen. There are a few others over the years who also listened to their community as well, but they are few and far between. More often, a game is already developed, and we, the gamers, have to deal with distribution companies who really don't care what we think.
Nick and the other OOO developers, work hard to make this game rock. It is so simple, and yet evolves to remain challenging at all levels of game play, from casual to hard core. From child to adult, and even families can play together. Three Rings does care about us, the players, or they would not bother setting up this Forum, or updating their WIKI. It all goes along with this new continuous development model of game development, so they naturally read the forums, and will respond to the needs of their market. That means us.
Today is my one year anniversary on Spiral Knights (SK), and I have over 700 hours on this game. Other people watch TV, and I play games. Lately, mostly this game because my favorite type of game is coop, and by that I mean players cooperating, not merely team deathmatch like TF2, which is not COOP by my standard. Spiral Knights is the best pure coop game since perhaps Quake 2. It can be played solo, but encourages team work and communication. Even between people from different countries all over the world who may or may not speak the same language, can come in here and play together.
So, here is the part about criticism.
There is a difference between appreciating the people who bring us this really great game, and criticizing them for their utter failure to keep their promise to post updates last night. This is my last post on this topic, then I am going to go make some crowns, buy some Crystal Energy (CE), and alchemize another set of armor or some new weapons.
It would have been easier to just let it go, if they had kept their promise, and said something every two hours or so. Last night was like staying at home waiting for the phone to ring, when I could have been doing something else. I knew I could just leave it alone, but they said they would post updates, so I kept looking for them. I was not angry, but I was frustrated.
Pointing out this error does not contradict my ongoing appreciation for the developers of this constantly evolving game. If I guage these guys correctly, they will be considering ways to improve customer communication for the next big update. If they can do it economically, I expect they will.
Any good criticism should also offer a suggestion for improvement, so here is mine.
Personally, I would rather see more detailed server status messages appear on the logon screen, so I can just look there for server status or get some meaningful feedback when the game fails to log on. That way, I will know immediately if there is a reason, and maybe even get a link to additional information if that is available. I would not need to spend time troubleshooting other connectivity issues. Feedback like that would have been useful last night.
The same information could appear in a widget on the SK home page. Maybe use a Twitter API to publish an update any time the server status changes. That way the "server status tool" updates automatically, and the increased content loads are delegated to Twitter servers. Update announcements could be scripted to specific server status triggers, or maybe just tied to the admins smartphone so they could uppdate the status on the fly when things come up. Just one idea. I am sure there are other ways to do this.
It is perfectly okay to be happy in general, but still find certain things to be unsatisfactory. I believe the people at OOO want to know about both.


Uncle comma and auntie period didn't like this one either. Daddy common sense seems to avoid him, too.
I am not angry about what happened to the server, and I realize these things need to happen, I am just sad because I haven't played in a while and wanted to.