Ladies and gentlemen, cats, dragons, chibis, and knights of all ages
This is your blagmaster AgAzide speaking. Rubyeclipse, GM of guild [The Jempire], more commonly known as “That guy with Triple Max UVs on everything,” has donated a large sum of CE to this blog for the purposes of giving it away again!
“But wait,” you’re probably thinking to yourself. “This validates Reganomics and the trickle-down effect theory,” along with other such esoteric thoughts as I would expect from one who follows AiD. Because following AiD makes you smarter.
And when you’re done thinking about that - the next thought on your list of things to think about might be: “How much CE is going to be given away,” and “Where do I line up to have CE given away to me?”
Well, to answer the first question, this blog is giving away 4000 CE in prizes! But you already knew that, being the kind of person who knows about titles and how they work.
So how do you obtain this 4000 CE? Not by tossing a raffle ticket into a box. Oh no. The description "Giveaway," was, in fact, a semi-truth to get you to click on this thread. Some might call it a deliberate deception. Maybe even an outright lie.
This CE will be given way over the course of three events, managed by various members of the AiD team. A quick overview:
Angerday’s Proto FSC Race! Do D26 using nothing but what you were wearing the day you opened the door of your crash pod. That is, Proto gear and no trinkets. 2k CE to be divided among the first and fastest groups to complete it, along with fame and fanclubs for yourself and your guild *. In my day, guilds would do vanaduke in proto gear for fun. And it was uphill both ways. Speedrun D26 in proto gear for CE.
*(Fame and fanclubs consist of a poof of confetti and endless unsolicited hugs from Angerday.)
Tovvok’s Spiral-Spy contest - If Spiral Knights were a movie and you were in charge of making the movie poster using spiral-spy, and you only had until the end of August to make a movie poster - what would it look like? 1k CE in prizes
Redfevrier’s Fashion contest. Many SK fashion blogs posses the power of commentary, but not the power of taste. I’m not sure where I was going with that. But in any case, Red will be running a fashion contest near the end of this month, with 1k CE in prizes
Details will be posted soon. Contact the manager of each contest or myself for help.
Oh, and I’ll be giving away 500 CE to whoever submits the best fanart to Just make up a fake email. Increase your chances by becoming a follower of this blog. So I guess that’s 4500 CE we’re giving away. Tara.
Submit fanart, questions, and movie posters at Feel free to lie about your email and accepting the terms and conditions.
Follow the blog and become smarter!As you read these very words, details for the new danger mission
- "Heart of Ice"
are being uploaded!
Submitted submissions:
Roarr -
Oatmonster -
*looks at thread*, *leaves*