This has been something since I played the "Legion of Almire" mission that has made me wonder: Why are there Lumbers in there?
If you go through it, you will see Undead beings and Silkwings, which makes sense due to the spooky nature of the place, even if Kats aren't Almirian they are ghosts... though there are also Lumbers mixed in, and not only in the way to the Sanctum, but in there too! Could they have been there since ancient times? They are also all of them normal Lumbers, not the elemental types, the "base" type.
We have heard about the Gremlins maybe not being the original beings that made the Clockworks, only assisting and currently maintaining it. They also made diverse Construct beings that resemble other creatures found:
- Scuttlebots > Cromalisks
- Retrodes > Zombies
- Mecha-knights > Knights (maybe Almirian too?)
- Gun Puppies > Howlitzers (even if they came "after", they are now in the lore)
The Lumbers don't fit any of the beings in the Clockworks, the only ones resembling them may be the Trojans. Though, the difference is way too much, they don't resemble anything at all and the only similarities would be "big" and having a "smash attack". We also know that Almirian knights turned into Trojans - there are many in Firestorm Citadel, so maybe the Almirians themselves could have made the "reverse engineering" if they would have had Trojan corruption in the past before the "Vanapocalypse".
Now, all signs may point to that: Lumbers are an Almirian fighting device, and the Gremlins later on made the different elemental variations. The only chance this wouldn't be true may be due to the "worlds" being into spherical containment and Gremlin modification. But would there be Gremlins that reckless, brave or just plain crazy to throw Lumbers in the sphere?
And that is my question and speculation. I may have not searched enough in the forums, but if there is already an answer for this, please tell!
I highly doubt this. I don't see this making any sense, sorry, just my opinion.
But here's something else to consider:
-Lumbers are characteristic of the Aurora Isles and Jigsaw Valley, you could say they are made from the wood there, not to mention, there's the axes of evil mission "A gremlin logging operation has been discovered in levels known as the 'Jigsaw Valley.'". Why would gremlins need wood? for making lumbers of course.
-Lumbers share the same "seals" as the sealed sword, even Nick has admitted it was on purpose Also, sealed sword is obtained from beating the royal jelly, and the royal jelly palace has plenty of lumbers, and grassy areas, not to mention that the Aurora Isles have a "Jelly Farm".
-One could say both the jellies and whatever is behind the "seals" come from the same planet, which would mean the gremlins took advantage of this ,when the planet was taken by cradle, by taking the trees, make constructs with their magic wood, and giving them life with the seals.
Lord Vanaduke's wiki page states his flag is found in RJP and the Scarlet Fortress
SF: had no screenshots so here's a random vid (Its the same as RJP)
I think the wiki was a bit of a stretch, these are different flags, but now we got something else:
Owlites are related to kats, so in turn the SF is related to the owlites.
The SF has jellies and the same flag seen in RJP, which puts jellies in relation with the owlites...
I mean srly, how many planets is cradle made of, two?!