Even before the Nemesis box promo people were getting tired of having the same items looped. Now the situation is even worse, because items that were once rare (twinkle aura, flame aura, divine and volcanic wings) are still being placed on featured auctions. I know OOO has a lot on its plate, guild hall upgrades, weapon buffing, danger missions, and possibly dual wield, but if more diverse items were added to the featured it would be highly appreciated. Now ordinary wings such as cool, toasty, military, etc are a lot more rare than prismatic divine and volcanic. In the start the featured auctions only sold items that were extremely rare and hard to find. If OOO could put on more toupees, rare mohawks, and other rare items I would appreciate it. And if you don't add new items at least take divine and volcanic wings and twinkle and flame auras off featured, because they are as common as mud.
Featured Auction looping

No , if OOO were to add more variety and rotation to the auctions then they wouldn't be as common.

I was thinking, like how OOO patterns the Divine/Volcanic Prismatics, they could set up a 2-3 month pattern that staggers wings, toupees, and other rarities. Like:
-Toupee (one color per week; Day released: Monday)
-Wings (One color per week; Day released: Tuesday)
-Prismatic Wolver Tail, Prismatic Wings, or Twilight Aura: Released every 3 weeks on Wednesday
-Prismatic Mohawk, Prismatic Parrying Blade, Prismatic (Pipe or Spike Mohawk?): Released every 3 weeks on Thursday
-Dapper Combo (one color per week; released Fridays)
-Wolver Tail(?) (one color per week; released Saturdays)
-Divine Parrying Blade, Volcanic Parrying Blade, Prismatic Side Blade (one color per week; released Sundays)
There's a few things that're off with the above plan. One, OOO's auctions don't run on a day basis, they're on an hourly timer, so that'd have to be accounted for. Also, there is the possibility of doing 2 colors per week (to expedite the process) and of course, what to put for Saturday and Sunday. The Love Puppy/Violet+Coral Rose sets and whatever else is on that time loop will remain as normal (maybe slow it down so it's twice as slow as the current spawn rate?)
Anyways, hope that might work out ._. any thoughts on the idea?

It really is not the looping that gets me. I understand that it probably takes some time for them to introduce new things. It is just that we have had the same stuff cycled over and over again.. And yeah Xair those items are exactly what would be cool to have on featured. Even if the timeframe is tweaked those items are exactly what I think players want, more regular colors of rare things. I kind of want a cool dapper combo, but all I see is the rare types.

+1 Xairathan.
Maybe add even more variety...
With some 1st gen Regalia?

Yeah I remember 1st gen regalias on featured.... Fantastico reactions!

The only set of regalia on featured was way back in early December.
Black chapeau: 2,400,000
White chapeau: 2,300,000
Red chapeau: 1,800,000
Black tabard: 1,740,000
White tabard: 930,000
Red tabard: 580,000
And +1 to the idea of more variety. If you take a look at the pricing thread, the current selection started around mid February. Before that, we had toupees, scarves, mustaches, pipes, parrying blades, etc.

I see, thanks for the prices, Smit. Keep up the constant updates on your thread, much appreciated.

There's a ton of scarves up now. Looks like someone saw this thread :P

I added the scarves and snowy aura in celebration of the Heart of Ice mission, bundle up! :)

It's been great having a such a rare item that looks so good all these months, but, yeah, why aren't things like this or prismatic mohawks etc. ever listed?

Let's hope this will happen more often now, Nick. Special items and stuff...
I really wish I could slap a scarf on my Chapeau. :(
On a side note, "Hey Nick, if you ever find some spare hair, I'll pay handsomely for a divine mohawk or toupee, to the Featured Auctions. ;) " this was a tweet I sent minutes ago. Let's hope he'll take it into consideration as I know I'm not the only.
Or just about any divine top accessory really. Maedate.. and such.
Also Cool Scarf, I farted on it so it's mine. <3

Dang, Might have to go grab that scarf....GL outbidding me :D

Nice to see some scarves on there :). But maybe add some rare mohawk colors? Me and others seem to be willing to sell their soul to the devil for one.

Why does the regal scarf still look like the fancy scarf?

I can't get the scarves, I can't access a desktop for the next 3-5 hours xD.. but thanks nick! ;)

Like all the featured auctions, they're bid only for 2 days.
That Prismatic Scarf though... prepare for war...

Hahah oh boy, I'm expecting ~3-4mil on the prism.
And regal is actually more on the blue side than fancy.

All the scarves have weird colors. Heavy is orange, Regal is dark blue, and Cool is green.

Cool is grey. o.O
But yeah I agree on that.
Also I think I'll rather be going for the snowfall. So hands off. <3

It really is more grey-ish green. I have one, and it's the exact same shade as the collar of Justifier. Made it part of my new-and-improved hipster costume (which you've already seen, Ters), and the ironic bit is that it uses a cool scarf and glasses, making it even more hipster.

Sometime ago i was told that GM's had no control whatsoever over featured auctions.
Now, i see that it is true what I was told, they put-up what they want, whenever they want, at any price they want.
Unfortunately, All those suggestions about making rare and full avatar sets ended up in the Circular file. ><
Gahh... Why do i always think that they will enventually do something neat like that? In all reality, it's never going to happen. :(
Add more stuff, and sooner or later those will have the same fate too. There's no way to prenvet that unless they constantly release new accesories.