Which one is the most useful? Is undeads and devils most common or slimes and lichens?
Avenger vs Faust

Also, if you're going for jelly king runs, it should be more or less natural to go with Faust. Avenger does seem to be more useful for t3 areas in general, though.
Most swords-knights I know just go with both, honestly. Doing resisted damage with swords sucks, especially when solo-ing.

They both suck! Get a Cold Iron Carver or Winmillion instead!
Matoro, you comment is completely invalid
The Cold Iron Carver does significantly less damage
Dodging enemies move out of the way because of the Winmillion's projectiles
The Cold Iron Carver does have a great charge, but you're not going to be charging non stop
The Winmillion's charge isn't even that useful
Compared to the Avenger and the Faust, lets just not go there shall we?

my question is along the lines of this thread i'm working on getting my sword to be a Leviathan.... I'm currently at Ascended Calibur how does the Levi. stack up against the faust/avenger? what are the pros and cons?
With the edition of the new brandish upgrades, how do they compare to the avenger? the wiki makes them seem similar
The new swords are useless.
It really depends on your weaknesses
I prefer the Avenger because of undead and construct
Both fill Firestorm Citadel so it is very useful
The faust does extra to gremlins though which is helpful
T3 gremlins can own you if there are healers around
The avenger is more usefull for vanduke though