I know what you're thinking. Oh lookie, just another useless Soarel thread.
But in this case, I need answers.
I've known Soral since we met in Haven one day. I called him a name thief, then I looked at his prestige and his armor and gleaned he was around before me. I was just a lowly 3* and he was a 5*, so I must be the name thief.
I did a few runs with him, and after one I asked to join his current guild, Collusion. What a coincidence that Fehzor, a friend of mine, was the guild master!
Eventually he left Collusion and kept on "guild hopping". He did this for a few more weeks before completely disappearing from the game. He said he was starting college and was busy.
But I need some answers. After reading old posts, it seems that Soral has some sort of history here. People seem to know him, talking about him in their posts. I've been called "soral's alt" in game before. I need to know what makes him so...famous. Famous enough for me to get confused for him over 9000 times in Haven.
What's Soral known for, really?
But did you become more mature yet? I never knew Knights could grow up in so quickly. In TEN days? That is impressive.
Back to OP, I do not know what he's known for. Maybe for swinging a sword? Or shooting a gun? Or throwing a bomb? Or wearing armor?