Welcome, to Angerday's Ironman Firestorm Citadel Race!!!
Travel through FSC in a series of different challenges in each depth in a race for 1800 Crystal Energy!
You may ask yourself "Wait why does Angerday have 1800 CE to throw out of his pants pockets?". Thats's because the GM of the Jempire Rubyeclipse (you know the one) gave the Adventure is Delicious team some CE to give away. Following Adventure is Delicious is proven to improve your sight, hearing, smelling, walking, talking, tasting, and thinking. So go give us a look at Spiralsnipes.tumblr.com :D
Ok so here's how this works:
-Your allowed teams of 2-3 only (no solo)
-Each depth has a different set of rules
-Before you start the next tier you must invite your Spectator to come in so they can make sure your not cheating in the race, then your allowed to continue in the depth
-Each team before the race must have one person friend request me so i can monitor the groups on which depth they are in and so i can watch for cheaters
-Each team will be assigned a Spectator that they will know ahead of time so that they can add them as a friend also
-You must think of a clever team name, because those are fun to make. But keep it PG guys. Nothing vulgar
-The race will only go to D26
-The first team to make it back wins!
Depth Rules:
D24: Anything goes here you can do this depth in any sort of gear your heat desires and make it to the end.
D25: Here you must call your Spectator, if you don't you will be disqualified, they will stay here until they see all knights have this gear specification:
You are allowed to use 4-5 star weapons here
But you must have on the following armor:
Spiral Scale Helm
Fencing Jacket
No trinkets are allowed here
(please buy these before the day of the race)
D26: You must go Complete Proto, but you are allowed to use 2 star weapons only, and proto shield, 1 trinket is allowed here. Again you have to call your Spectator and have them check that you are not cheating. From here's its a clear get through this as fast as possible and make it back to the haven where i will be, your whole team must be present for me to announce the winner! :D
The race will begin and start in:
Haven 10
7:00 pm EST
Date will be determined once all this gets set up
Sign Up Your Whole Team Rostor here :D
and yes (Fame and fanclubs consist of a poof of confetti and endless unsolicited hugs will come from me.)
You cant change equips after depth 24....
So you want everyone to return to haven and get reinvited?