We are an active guild started a week ago, now we have 16 members and hoping for more.
If you are interested in joining this guild, mail skykabob, guild owner. We will 90% accept because we obviously only have 16 members
Guild masters/Owners:
Skykabob,Owner, Lockdown Demi-God
Lithmo, Vice Owner, Adventure expert
Breakerblade, Vice owner, Affective Tank
Member test: When you join, you will have to take a test to become a member, finish a royal jelly run with 3 death MAX, easy.
If you don't, you will be at recruit rank until you want to take the test again and succeed. NOTICE: Only a officer or higher rank can take your test!
Veteran Test: Gauntlet ARENA 1 death MAX. Quite a challenge! But I'm sure there are skilled players out there! NOTICE:Only officer or higher can take your test!
Officer Test: Show unique/Incredible skills in either Lockdown Or Adventure. NOTICE: Only a guild master can take your test!
Guild master Test: give 50,000CE to Skykabob
You can also get promoted by showed extrodinary Skills in Lockdown :D
Members, I mean ONLY Members And Up Can start votes to premote a certain player, If the Vote Is in your favour, They will get premoted, If not, You will be Demoted for wasting time.
We will have contests every month, prizes vary, from 10kcr-100kcr To 100CE to 1000CE, Premotions, Items, Accesories, ect.
We also have specific jobs/teams, Skykabob leading lockdown team-A, Lithmo leading Adventure-A team, Breakerblade Leading Lockdown-B team, and Cortezy Leading Adventure-B team. NOTICE: THESE TEAMS ARE ONLY FOR PRACTICES/ TOURNAMENTS! YOU ARE ALLOWED DO LOCKDOWN IF YOU ARE IN ADVENTURE TEAM or vice verca. We will have training for both teams regularly.
If you read this, please consider joining us!~skykabob
Contest! AUGEST 2012: Win a free SWIFTSTRIKEBUCKLER for killing skykabob most times in a single LD match. NOTICE: IF GUILD POPULATION DOES NOT HIT 10 IN THE NEXT WEEK, THIS CONTEST WILL BE CANCELED, you need to have a officer or higher rank spectating you to take this challenge, if you are in tier 2 do the same.
Current Contest Ranks:
1st: Desapontado
Nobody yet, I'll recruit from in game hopefully