I finished a costume in the AH today :) but I'm not sure if it's original or good. So, everyone can you plz critique and/or praise my armor before I buy all the accessories and stuffz? :/ Thx in advance to everyone! Bai from Platipie :)
The Armor!!!!! http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044484560/screenshot/57896338...
Updated Armor!!!(bonus armor too) http://imgur.com/a/apRCZ
P.S. How do you put a link into a word?
I'll say my opinion on the costume. I'm going to be critical, fair-warning, but that doesn't mean it's bad:
-Your PC doesn't match the blue in your costume... at all.
-The bandolier doesn't seem to work with the Com Unit and Helm-Mounted Display (What are you going for?)
On the bright side:
-The gray on your armor works nicely
-The blue on the vitakit works with the armor
Overall, aside from your PC, it looks pretty nice. It gives a little of an explorer theme, if that's what you're trying to do.