Well, having just joined the game a couple of days ago, I've encountered problems.
So I was going along my merry way when I tried some lockdown. Some people say games are defined by their PvP. And I liked it. So I went through some clockworks and pretige missions to get some crowns built up to play tons of it. Plus, I needed a bit of money because money is money.
So then, I upgraded. I hit tier 2 and got the autogun. I then found out that the autogun counts as tier 2 and I couldn't take it to tier 1 Lockdown.
"Alright," I said "I'll just put on my old tier one stuff and go back to tier 1."
Nope. I got put into a tier 2 match and I died. Alot.
So my question is, if I put on all 1 star and 0 star items, can I go back to tier 1? Because that's what I'm doing currently and it ain't working.
If you have no items equipped above 1* and have no loadouts marked for PvP, you can go back to T1 LD.