Umm so I kinda lost my home, and so I'm in this temporary place, but it won't last long. In fact i have to leave it tomorrow. So i will be on the streets for a while. During that time, I will not be able to access and play Spiral Knights. Sorry guys, will miss ya.
Farewell Spiral Knights... For now.
A third time rea-- ...oh.
Well best of luck, and I hope you can find a place to stay soon :/
I think this is the third time you made such a topic and I have to ask you to stop since they're useless and annoying.
However, that seems like a nasty situation, I hope you'll manage to get out of it~
I hope life goes well for you and that things improve.
The first one was a joke, the second was a bug problem, this is the third and hopefully last time. =P I promise to get my life together guys, especially for a someone special i know... >w>
sad story man, you can go to the library they have free internet on the computers and you can play this since its browser based. Hope you find some place to say loved you on,the forums cya.
I don't really see how someone homeless would even get to play this in first place and dedicate time to it.
Good luck, Daarke. I hope to see you back soon.
Good luck and see you later.