I was trying to place the bomb on the outer circle(the edge) of the control point and there is no secondary shards coming out from it. Also some shards won't display(graphically or physically) on the control point as well.
The shard bombs are broken in Lockdown
Yes, another bomber and I tested it, the secondary shards wouldn't display at all, meaning the explosion isn't there at all. I checked on several control points, but the conclusions are the same. There will not be a secondary explosion when the bomb is placed on the edge of a control point.
Not to mention bomb hazes not rendering if you like go from this side of the screen to the other where the bomb is with cull trnasients on. -.-
This is quite difference with the haze bug, the haze bug is when the effects of the bomb is still there, but just not visible. This shard bomb bug is the effects of the secondary shards don't even show up, as if the bomb had never been placed.
From what I've read in other topics, this apparently happens when you stand on the bomb due to people blocking shards before they land? It is of course completely ridiculous.
"the haze bug is when the effects of the bomb is still there, but just not visible."
It is. And it's just as bad/even worse. :/
RSS is now completely useless in LD anyway, anybody can see the bird crap and avoid it.
This thread might need to be moved to bug reports.
Some bomb explosions become invisible in certain circumstances... can you determine whether the shards are invisible vs actually not present? I find that invisibility is more likely to happen when "cull transients" is checked.