HowStuffWorks thread

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Arctifice's picture

The premise is simple.

Post an item, or a mechanic in this thread, and I will, in due time, respond with about a paragraph of technical garbage that will explain, in depth, how it works. For starters, the Striker boost class mod.

The Striker Class Mod, often referred to as the Strike Booster, is simply a rear-mounted propulsion system controlled by a switch held in the shield hand. The Strike Booster draws from a small reservoir of compressed air that is expelled out through the rear primary engine and the two auxiliary engines that assist in turning. The back-mounted engine is not solid and immovable, rather, it is capable of complete rotation, allowing users to move around with speed and precision. The only drawback, as of now, is the extremely small reservoir of air, which thankfully recharges quickly, and the design flaw that causes the booster to suffer a speed penalty when moving backwards. Excess energy expelled by the Strike Booster is re-channeled directly into the Knight, specifically, the right arm, lending a stronger swing arm. However, arming a bomb is notoriously difficult one-handed, to say nothing of doing so at high speeds. In spite of these drawbacks, the Strike Booster is the favored Class Mod of Lockdown players, combining speed and precision in a single, frail, package.

Little-Juances's picture

-If a freeze wisp does no damage at all... why can it break my shield?
-If I shield againts a weapon that has a CHANCE to inflict a status (say a guardian in LD vs a Flamberge) does it mean that my shield will randomly take extra damage, when the status was supposed to trigger?

Basically, how do statuses and shields react in depth.

Arctifice's picture
In terms of mechanics, that's

In terms of mechanics, that's an Arsenal question. My personal take is that status-inflicting attacks deal a separate, unmarked type of damage present in all things that harm Knights, reduced only by status resistances. Further testing with various shields will have to be done, like subjecting myself to a bullet stream of various flavors of damage/status attacks. As for Knight attacks, like wading into a mist field, status affliction seems to be on a separate roll than damage. No wisps deal direct damage, that's the job of the shankle.

But that's the Arsenal's answer. Good question, wrong place.

Shields react to status affliction like any other form of attack: something threatens the bearer of the shield, shield health is sacrificed to block it. In the off-chance that a shield possesses resistance to that particular status, less health is required to be sacrificed to absorb the status. In the case of the freeze wisp, the chill it perpetuates does not simply ignore you, it actively tries to freeze you. If you wish to stay non-frozen, you block it, causing the shield you hold to suffer instead.

Amewfox's picture
Ooh, just thought of one.


Arctifice's picture
Most auras on armors are due

Most auras on armors are due to small nodules placed on an armor set in redundant cracks and spaces. I'll break it down per aura type.

Ghostly: Small steam emitters are laced throughout the armor, condensing the air around the Knight and releasing it as smoke. Several of these emitters are laced around the armor, placed to ensure movement is unrestricted while maintaining an even spread. It is called "Ghostly" due to how it resembles the Dread Skelly line armor, but as the smoke is artificial and not magical in nature, it comes off as smoky grey instead of necromantic purple. Curiously, slots are available on Dread Skelly Suits for nodule placement.

Unclean/Twilight: Insect nests are placed in redundant, unused areas on an armor suit, which automatically evict insects and entices them back on a clock. These small, single organism nests are placed in the same areas as the steam emitters for Ghostly type auras, and the insects follow a randomized trajectory to and back. In the case of Twilight Auras, more expensive luminescent insects are used in lieu of flies.

Love Auras are the product of extensive testing involving Love Puppies in experiments designed to produce self-healing Knights. However, all they managed to replicate, after cutting apart so many Love Puppies, was their natural heart-shaped particle emitter, used to mimic a friendly status on a Knight's in-built IFF. The best explanation so far is that these heart-shaped particles are an offshoot of the Love Puppy's CPU, as a form of exhaust/waste product. Designers have managed to replicate a few of these exhaust emitters, and had them wired in the neck area of armor suits, closest to the head.

Twinkle Auras are simply small lights surrounded by mirrors.

Snowfall Auras work similarly to Ghostly Auras, but instead of releasing steam, the nodules freeze the water, then sublimate it back into the air. Sunshine Auras, on the other hand, are not powered by lights of any form, but instead redirect sunlight into nodules, then outwards again with a series of refractors. These both are suspended around the Knight in a mesh around the armor, to not break effect while moving.

Flame Auras and Sprinkle Auras, I have no plausible explanation for.

Amewfox's picture
...Not seeing as anyone is giving anything...

The charge attack of the Avenger/Faust line.

Arctifice's picture
Sealed Sword lines function

Sealed Sword lines function via suspending a holo-blade around the blade itself. Damage comes from the holo-blade as well as the actual edge of the sword cutting into an enemy. These holo-blades are not scientific in nature, but seem to stem from the sword itself, and can be modified into two distinct tendencies. The current, most widely accepted explanation is that the sword emits the energy that forms the holo-blade, but any attempts to open up the Sealed Sword have ended in hilarious catastrophe. Both charge attacks function the same way: when enough energy is channeled into the weapon, the holo-blade will temporarily "split" from the actual sword, with another one replacing it soon after, at which point the energy projectile will propel itself forward. Strangely, these projectiles still contain physical mass, explainable either by part of the sword coming off with each charge attack, or the energy from the blade compressing itself into a physical object. The Divine Avenger is notable for being able to split its blade three times, and always at a precise time from each other, creating a consistent "fan" of deadly projectiles. On the other hand, the Faust and Gran Faust seem only able to compress a large amount of dark energy into a single projectile, which becomes larger and takes longer to form as it becomes stronger. This has to due with the nature of the curse: curses are not meant for widespread infliction, like other, inferior statuses, but designed to snuff out a single target's life force. Due to that, only one blade is formed from Faust series. As a drawback, curse genesis in such close proximity tends to afflict the wielder, without any diminishing in lethality.

Theopholis's picture
Hehe, this is fun!


Eternity-Terminal's picture

Why do gremlins lock themselves up?

Arctifice's picture
Lumbers, unlike Retrodes,

Lumbers, unlike Retrodes, Mecha Knights, and Scuttlebots, are not machines created solely by Gremlins. Constructs and other robots are created with spare parts by Gremlins for defensive purposes, while Lumbers seem to have hung around for a great deal longer. No one knows their real origin, though we suspect they are intended as a form of guardian creature. Gremlins have managed to reverse-engineer Lumbers for sparse use, though the process of creating them is labor-intensive and hazardous. Lumbers of Gremlin origin are assembled from harvested wood, usually in groves paradoxically guarded by Lumbers themselves. Their design allows for them to impart a massive amount of force with their heavier arm, and the unique rotary leg design allows them to keep on the move, albeit slowly. Lumber arm strikes seem to be a natural extension of its movement, which is believed to explain why they are immune to curse, unlike other Constructs. Damage comes from both the physical mass of the club hitting something, as well as energy infused within the tree seeping out and empowering the clubbing arm. While Silversaps and Vilewoods adhere most closely to the wooden nature of the Lumber, Redwards and Electreants are a bit of an abnormality. Samples collected from those Lumber types reveal a large amount of conductive metal within the wood, which may serve to explain the otherwise contradictory statuses.

Gremlins, like all other races, have their share of criminals. Said Gremlins are locked into small cages usually reserved for storage of other specimens of Clockwork animals, partly because no appropriate Gremlin-sized cage exists. In addition, those cages allow for ease of transportation.

Frostrex's picture
Just a question...

Do we have to suggest something, or can we explain something ourselves?

Arctifice's picture
Explanations are fine and

Explanations are fine and dandy, but I encourage asking things.

Noblax's picture
awe yeah

Brandish's charge attack

Arctifice's picture
Brandishes all share the same

Brandishes all share the same fundamental principle of expelling energy through the center of the blade. The standard-issue Brandish is a simple bone blade with a fluted center, where the energy source flows through. This lends sharpness unexpected from its construction, on par with a Calibur type blade, but due to the nature of the energy flowing instead of cycling, spin attacks are impossible to perform with it. Channeling energy through the blade instead forces energy directly outwards in a wave, which peaks at consistent intervals, producing small air-explosions. Stronger iterations of Brandishes add a status affliction to the explosions, which result, usually, from super-cooling or heating the air. It was not until a recent extension of a certain Devilite businessfiend that the secrets to creating ionically charged explosions was revealed and shared. The blade itself is constantly energized due to the flow from the hilt, where the energy is based, ensuring the edge is equally deadly. The Shadow iteration is a bit of an abnormality. Due to the unique nature of Shadow Energy, it does not respond to traditional forms of energy manipulation. Though it is not fully understood, Devilite smiths have produced their own design of the Brandish, modified to channel Shadow energy. Other than the appearance and damage type, the weapons are identical.

Zinco's picture
How vitapods work?

How vitapods work?

Toxicblade's picture

How can a lot of knights defeat vanaduke multiple times, sometimes even at the same time, though it isn't the "same" vanaduke?

How are trojans formed? Why do their heads look like chess pieces?

Flists's picture
The question everyone wants

The question everyone wants answered: What is underneath a Stranger's hat?

Arctifice's picture
Vitapods are canisters that

Vitapods are canisters that hold medi-gel. They attach themselves to any knight's armor, regardless of size or type, and hold amounts of medical fluid that are automatically dispensed when a knight takes damage. However, they do not come pre-filled, but they can be manually filled with dropped Hearts and Health Capsules. They naturally all come in the same size, and the farther a Knight travels, the more they come pre-opened with gel slots. This attachment is only temporary, and after exiting a dungeon, they are discarded by Knights for others to use in the Clockworks. Research and Development has managed to replicate the effects of a Vitapod in Trinket form, which we laymen refer to as Heart Pendants.

Trojans, see the lore around The Silent Legion, and Guardian Knights.

The same reason why different people can be in the same places in Haven, but not together: instances. Each "instance", as we refer to, is a separate plane of existence to which only a handful of Knights are occupied at once, due to the distorted nature of a high-energy atmosphere. Times between instances can be as miniscule as a nanosecond. Everyone within a given instance is synchronized to the same time as your current Knight, and recently, it is now possible to modify the instance a Knight occupies with a very weak time-travel technology. However, instances of more than a second (Cross continent servers) are prone to conflicting a Knight's "standard" instance and causing disruption, leading to unpredictable behavior within that instance. Vanaduke was only ever defeated once: Knights are only reliving it multiple times over within different time frames. The same goes for any other boss enemy and dungeon.

/place tinfoil hat upon head

Strangers are the rare, always friendly natural inhabitants of Cradle, the second most technologically advanced race before the arrival of the Knights, which displaced them to first. Knights do not know what truly lies under the wide-brimmed hat of a Stranger, we can barely see their faces. One common theory postulated is that Strangers are Knights themselves, from a previous time. Exposure to the large amount of energy caused them to grow to massive proportions, but when the current Knights arrived and began to harness and leech the energy away, they became sluggish and comatose. Being a primarily surface dwelling civilization, they drape themselves in large, sun-blocking robes and obscure their faces in masks and hats to block out the relentless sunlight. If you really must know, just look in the mirror.

Zeddy's picture
I have all the questions

How come skolver coats and chroma suits are resistant to piercing when the animals they were made out of were weak to it? Is the animal skin just for show? Where do the damage boosts come from?

Arctifice's picture
Armor crafted from a given

Armor crafted from a given animal does not retain all of the attributes of the given animal. Wolver coats and Chroma Suits are crafted from parts of the beast, but are not simply gutted exteriors that one dons as makeshift armor. Fragments of the beast individually are highly resistant to piercing attacks, but piercing weapons take advantage of the wide gaps between the toughly armored areas. Under that initial line of defense are organs, which are easily wounded with piercing attacks. Armorsmiths take the tough parts of the armor and combine them to create tough sets of clothing. However, layered armor is susceptible to elemental damage, as multiple armor coats heat up very quickly and are difficult to maintain. It is entirely possible to not tamper with the beast hides and have the skin retain its elemental defense properties, but doing so also causes the armor to be susceptible to piercing attacks.
Beast family armor often carries with it natural bonuses inherent to the animal it came from. Chromalisks are the natural predator of Slimes, and as such slimes inherently fear anything that carries the silhouette of a Chromalisk. Wolver-hide armor functions differently. Wolvers were known for their ferocity and ability to increase their ferocity on a whim, and the armor sets attempt to replicate those abilities. So far, using samples obtained from Alpha Wolvers, the armor pieces have managed to create a localized, personal damage boost with melee attacks. We believe this is the same ability that grants the Barbarous Thorn Shield lines their unique trait, that the unearthly roars of beasts grant strength to our sword arms.

Amewfox's picture
Ooh! I've got one!

How does the Aegis shield have more defense than the Great Defender when the only difference is having a sash around it and two swords which are never used?

Arctifice's picture
Shield upgrades are more than

Shield upgrades are more than just aesthetic. Usually, upgrading a piece of kit to five stars does not involve more than extremely painstaking forging of the existing item, to bring it to the final, truly flawless form. Any forging of weapons requiring the four types of metal can be viewed this way, as those weapons already have a flawless design, but flawed form. The Aegis carries more defense than the Mighty Defender due to the addition of Sun Silver in the shield's tough parts, to which the natural energy flowing through only responds to excellently. As such, points have a more difficult time penetrating the shield, and the shield absorbs blows more easily.The addition of sash and blades is a formality of the Spiral Order, a remnant of the old ways of displaying promotions. The addition of superior metal, as an added bonus, grants the Aegis a superior sheen, though it hasn't fixed the cracks.

Frostrex's picture
I haz a good one...

I'll put up my explanation later.

How do UVs work? And, while we're on the subject, how do alchemy machines work?

Toxicblade's picture

Why do pulsar gun bullets explode after a certain distance?

Zeddy's picture
Are we allowed several questions?

As I understand it, most guns draw their energy from mist or something or other, but the Magnuses (Magnusi?) shoot giant, solid bullets bigger than the gun itself. Where do they come from? Where does the infinite supply of bombs come from?

Arctifice's picture
UVs are minor modifications

UVs are minor modifications to a given weapon that naturally result as a consequence of crafting weapons. Alchemy machine synthesize components, fueled by energy, into a piece of kit. While they "usually" combine components into a certain form, sometimes, it is not always perfect. These imperfections can range from anything to tightening an existing mesh, loosening the components on a handgun for ease of use, or exposing a blade to salt, letting it burn through Jelly family enemies. We believe these imperfections are due to extensive use of the Alchemy Machine, leading to residual material lying within the assembly area. These imperfections are often highly desirable, as the actual weapon's functionality is completely unchanged, instead, it is now ever so slightly superior in a unique way. In addition, these imperfections can rarely result in effects which have significant effect. For example, a blade can be modified to glide through the air with almost no friction without loss of cutting power, or a suit of armor with no previous resistance to Fire can be fireproofed near completely with a few alterations and additions. Gremlin smiths, realizing the desirability of these imperfections, offer their services to manually tweak existing Arsenal equipment. However, due to their nature as exiles, they are naturally predisposed to hating their own race, and that hatred is reflected in their work.

Pulsar type handguns discharge a small amount of antimatter, similar to Catalyzer series handguns. The difference is while Catalyzer handguns only generate antimatter on charge, and said antimatter is stored in a gravitational field to prevent rampant annihilation, Pulsars simply discharge barely secured antimatter. As per safety regulations, standard Pulsar rounds are covered by a weak gravitational field, which eventually dissipate midway through its flight. At that point, the process of annihilation begins, consuming the air to fuel itself. If it happens to contact with a physical object, the expanded round will completely annihilate itself with the object. If the round touches something before the field disappears, it simply collides with minimal harm. It is entirely possible to override the safety protocols completely and have the round exit the handgun sans gravitational field, but reports of missing eyebrows and fingers are not uncommon when doing so. The standard payload of antimatter is antineutrons, which are guaranteed to create a large blast. However, it is also possible to convert the Pulsar to discharge charged antiprotons, which reacts with airborne molecules to cause small scale lightning storms. No more missing fingers here, thankfully.

Most handguns either generate their energy from a fuel source or air. Since it is nigh-impossible to synthesize energy into a sufficiently sharp point, Knights resort to firing off actual projectiles. However, standard sized rounds do not have sufficient velocity or power to match that of standard handguns. The solution? Upsizing. Magnus line handguns fire off rounds that would make even Dirty Harry blush. Rounds are compressed for storage within the handgun, then charged with energy to expand in size as they exit. However, due to the incredible heft of the round, they lose velocity quickly. Subsequent upgrades increase the force with which a round is discharged, though range is unchanged. The highest iteration, the Callahan, employs small size jet engines mounted on the side to discharge the round with even more force. It is also possible to focus a ludicrous amount of energy into a single bullet, causing it to expand to the size of a small train engine, but doing so is extremely hazardous and impractical: the recoil generated is known to hurt Knights more than the actual bullet.

I answer the bomb problem in my fanfic thread.

Toxicblade's picture

How do snipes fly with their wings? While in motion, their wings look like helicoptor rotors, but while not flying, their wings are on the left and right side of their body. How do their wings create the look of a helicoptor rotor? Shouldn't their wings be more flappy?

Arctifice's picture
Traditionally styled wings

Traditionally styled wings are advantageous for moving from place to place quickly, but not staying in an area. Snipes are territorial, so they evolved to stay in a single, safe area free from predators while still maintaining freedom of movement. Snipes do not, by mass, have enough muscle in the right places to warrant flight with two wings directionally: instead, their wings rotate around their bodies.This helicopter-style locomotion is possible due to the snipe's unique body shape: the wings are attached to a central, rotating ring located at their spinal column. They are able to spin this ring around at high speeds, enabling limited liftoff, and can use their natural upper bulkiness to steer themselves. At rest, the wings automatically situate themselves to the right and left sides, the most comfortable position for a snipe's wings.

Amewfox's picture
The Recon Class Mod.

The Recon Class Mod.

Zeddy's picture
What's up with the insane

What's up with the insane size variation on Gremlins? Are knockers child soldiers? What about oversized Seerus and Incinerators? If Gremlins just have a huge size variation, genetically, how come we only see them in super chibi, average and ginormous?

Angelic-Tear's picture
  • Guardian mod, especially the healing.
  • Recon mod, especially the invisabilaty.
  • Mist bombs.

I once heard someone said health is never made - only transferred. >.> no longer true, I guess.

Arctifice's picture
The Recon class modification

The Recon class modification consists of a back-mounted multifunctional device connected to a set of overarm gauntlets and a small aesthetic shield. The gauntlets, though slightly heavy, are designed to streamline field work. They contain an in-built set of precise motors that calibrate finger movements and assist in the performance of tasks, like bomb arming and gun discharging. The gauntlets were designed originally to facilitate the planting of explosives, hence the innate bonus to bomb arming. Motorized fingers, additionally, allow one to discharge and reload firearms with much greater efficiency. However, due to the slight weight, swinging a sword is slightly more difficult. With a simple flex of the fingers, one is able to activate the cloaking field stored in the backpack, projecting a field that cloaks the user in invisibility. Light will be automatically redirected to the other side, from all sides. In addition, activating this field also triggers the battlefield analysis machine, which automatically takes scans of enemy life forms within the limited area. The first sweep only notes the position, but also alerts the target. The second sweep identifies the defenses and weaknesses in the target, and relays the information to all nearby Knights. However, the second sweep must be made in quick succession: punch card memory does not allow for a long storage time. In addition, target information, while helpful, is stored in a random access memory punch card, which is quickly deleted. The whole device is powered by several Force Dynamos placed within the pack, which generate energy slowly.

The "standard" for Gremlin sizing can be easily observed in the tiered families: Tenderfoot, Ironclaw, and Darkfang. Each family has slightly increased size over the next, as size is determined by age. Darkfang Gremlins are the Gremlin elite, Ironclaw Gremlins are the common folk, and Tenderfoot Gremlins are little more than children. The oldest, fiercest Gremlins grow to very large sizes, towering over common Knights. This is due to their physiology, which closely resembles mammals such as opossums. Knockers are none of these. These diminutive little warriors are little more than tank-bred, mass produced tools. Their small size facilitates them to enter and mend areas unreachable by normal Gremlins, and their small size means they are easily produced in large quantity, to enter war machines and perform weldings or repairs, such as the Roarmulus Twins and recently, Battlepods. Like all Gremlins, they are repurposed often for war whenever threats present themselves, though they are quick to fall over.

Shields are not traditional blocking plates, but instead high-tech energy dome generators. Once activated, they form a blue energy dome that encompasses a single Knight and lasts forever, up until something damages the dome. The Guardian Shield is a large-scale version of a personal shield, combining the natural durability of the Stone Tortoise line and various layers of protection within the generator. The end result is an incredibly bulky shield that emits massive energy domes. This dome is virtually unbreakable and is active within a large radius around the Knight, allowing a user to protect his comrades. Creation of the shield incorporated technology used in the Scarlet Shield, which grants the user extra health, and given the large amount of space, functions as a heart generator to all knights within the dome. However, this is a constant process, which sucks up the energy used to power the dome quickly. This energy source is renewable, but like any other shield, the dome can be shattered when too much damage is sustained. As a bonus, the heavy weight of the shield offers great utility as a counterweight for swordsmen, and the mental effect of security within the shield allows users to focus when performing complex tasks, like balancing their checkbook or arming bombs.

Mist bombs are created when inert Jelly extract is exposed to an elementally-altering substance, changing the nature of the liquid. The liquid is stored within a frame and a heat source that causes the extract to evaporate on bomb detonation, spraying a quantity of variously lethal gas outwards. The gas-form extract carries variable qualities depending on what the liquid was exposed to; Jelly extract is a wonderfully protean substance that can be altered to hold many properties. The live cells can be modified to store poison, coolant, or liquid fire within their cells. Once the liquid and the cells are vaporized, they are instantly fragmented and their remains serve as vectors for the choice fluid. Subsequent upgrades increase the amount of fluid vaporized, which in turn increases the radius of status spreading. For a long time, routing electricity through Jelly extract has killed the cells before they can be vaporized. Ionic fluid does not respond well when implanted inside Jelly cells, the cells will electrocute themselves and die, becoming completely useless. However, some Gremlin scientists, in exchange for asylum, have granted us the secret to allowing cells to retain ionic fluid. Exposing the cells to a diet of metal changes their composition sufficiently to hold ionic fluid for use. The only side effect is massive inter-arching between metal fragments after detonation, but we aren't the ones inside it. One can also opt to forgo any treatment altogether, instead compressing the cells enough to create thick clouds of disorienting dust. The secret behind this was revealed by King Krogmo and his army of Devilite Research and Development teams.

Toxicblade's picture

How do knights not get damaged by their bombs, even when they stand in the blast radius, but can be damaged by gremlin demo bombs?

Arctifice's picture
Spiral Knight bombs are

Spiral Knight bombs are calibrated to an exacting degree. Each bodysuit issued to a Spiral Knight has a pressure wave deflector calibrated to an exacting degree: a blast wave slightly above or below that frequency will damage the knight, but a pressure wave hitting the knight at that degree will be harmlessly absorbed and released. Bombs are one of the items calibrated to ensure minimal damage is done to any bomber: if a bomber arms his or her bomb correctly, he or she should not be affected. Most miscalibration mistakes end on completion of demolitions training, to the seasoned bomber, correct arming is as natural as breathing. All bombs operate on a variation of frequencies: Spine Cone line projectiles are deflected by armor, Vortex lines do not suck us in, Mist bomb clouds are driven away, etc etc. Gremlin bombs are not so finely made, instead, they are simply packed mines designed to explode with varying frequencies. They aren't immune to their own explosives, rather, it is their natural resistance to the elements that allows them to shrug off the damage.

Zeddy's picture
Freaking magnets, how do they work?

What IS shadow damage?


I am quite fascinated by Mist energy and one thing I have noticed is its ability to seemingly repair a Knight after defeated, even their team members who are a great distance away. Do you happen to have an explanation for this?

Arctifice's picture
Shadow damage is a subset of

Shadow damage is a subset of elemental damage, but differs wildly in how it acts. For starters, Elemental attacks strike an enemy with something that transfers energy from the item to the enemy, resulting in overloads and purges. Shadow damage, however, seems to rip away life force from a foe. Shadow damage also does not behave like Elemental damage does, but can be modified into forms that mimic Elemental vectors. Currently, we have only figured out how to induce Jelly liquid, which consists of dead cells, to store Shadow energy, but until Jelly extract cells can be conditioned to harbor Shadow energy, no mist bombs are possible. Shadow attacks are an assault both on the body and mind of a foe: the energy destroys all cells, but seems to target the nervous system. Subsequently, it is highly effective against Gremlins, one of few foes intelligent enough to exhibit higher-order thinking. In addition, Jelly family foes are a banquet spread to Shadow damage: no cells are obscured, the entire creature is composed of cells. Due to its similarity with Elemental damage, Shadow attacks are effective against Constructs; even though they have no life force to rip away, the nature of Shadow damage mimics a weaker form of Elemental damage. Beasts are affected much like Gremlins, but they are simply too stupid to take any significant mental damage. Fiends originate Shadow damage, it's obvious that they possess substantial resistance to it. Undead simply have no life to tear out, and they're completely mindless, anyways.

The atmosphere of Cradle is highly energized, but Knights are equipped with only a small apparatus, mounted on the back near the spine, that sifts the air and condenses it into a small tank for storage. The collection process is continual, but due to the size of the apparati, the process is very slow. In addition, due to energy's property that long term storage in confined spaces, particularly at that density, tends to cause it to crystallize, energy is constantly leaked out when the tank is full. Some argue that they want crystallized energy, but realistically, energy crystallizing in the mist tank at best leads to overall reduced capacity, as crystal energy cannot be scraped out, and at worse having it clog up critical systems. This tank is routed into a variety of systems on the Knight: one of which is the revival device. On defeat, on death, a Knight's body ceases to function. The revival device, amongst other things, restarts the heart and administers a localized dose of adrenaline to bring the Knight back into the fight. Death is restful, so Knights come back in full shape, and the adrenaline both wakes them up and temporarily increases their pain threshold to near infinity. However, this device is not designed to bring Knights back to life multiple times, though it can. With each successive use, the system sustains damage, and it will require increasing amounts of energy. External devices, such as those found in infirmaries, can automatically revive Knights and repair the revival system to new. These systems are the size of Giant Lichen colonies, so they are impractical for field usage.

Dvntbjh's picture
Smart one, aren't you?

Whats inside the core? Can u answer that?

Arctifice's picture
That's neither an item nor a

That's neither an item nor a mechanic. The Shadow Lair/Sanctuary lore will provide you with what you seek.

Zeddy's picture
This is fun!

How does Irontech Bomb work? Shouldn't padding a bomb with iron plates suppress it?

Softhead's picture

How did trojans come into existance?

How does things like Ur and maulos(Who are definatley not Spiral order Knights) are trojans, yet not related to the Order?

Since almarians are knights, does this mean that there are more of Knight liek species in the universe?

Arctifice's picture
The exterior of most

The exterior of most explosive bombs are thin metal. The thin sheeting allows the explosive material within a standard Blast bomb to escape at high speeds at the cost of said pressure wave not imparting much force. The Irontech bomb, instead, wraps thick metal plates instead of a thin sheet of metal. As a result, the bomb takes longer to detonate. The force within the bomb only grows, and when enough force is reached to break through the sheeting, it breaks with a vengeance. A higher-speed pressure wave is caused by detonation shattering the iron, causing the resultant explosion to be far denser than a standard explosion. Recent retoolings have allowed the iron plates to stay intact after detonation, letting them fly into enemies and stun them.

Trojans can be created from Knights, but they don't come exclusively from them. Most Trojans enter the world through small rifts sustained by Devilites. They lay purple runes on the floor, which are designed to warp in Trojans and other foot soldiers from their dimension. Thankfully, the rifts fail most of the time. Enough Devilites working a ritual at once can lead to larger rifts sustained, but larger rifts have a tendency to destabilize in very short order. The few that can sustain large enough rifts account as an energy anomaly, an event which the Order usually sends Knights to investigate. The entire Devilite industry revolves around summoning all sorts of Fiends, but in recent years they have begun to pursue other careers outside of that field. Trojan warriors are warped in and exported to a variety of places as swords for hire, such as Firestorm Citadel. In addition, exposing a Guardian Knight to enough dark energy will cause the metal armor to turn to stone, and the seams to fuse together, encasing a Knight in hardy stone armor. The sword and shield are issued from Devilite smithies.

Almirian Crusaders are not Knights, in the sense that we are. They were a powerful fighting force, but there is no evidence to suggest that Almirians were or are part of the Spiral Knights. The only true remnant is the Blackened Crest, salvaged from the Armory. They are sized to fit our body type, suggesting that they were our size. However, examination of relic armor recovered from the Necropolis revealed that their body type did not align with Knight physiology: Crusaders resemble the race which now lives on as Zombies, but with some differences. Replicated Crusader armor has been created and resized to fit Knight proportions, but as a whole the armor is highly impractical and expensive, useful only as a historical piece. Lances salvaged from the armory were far too large to be wielded by any Knight, regardless of musculature, suggesting Almirians were naturally muscular in the upper body. However, their lower body was far weaker and smaller, their legs little more than pegs.

Softhead's picture

But going back on the Almarian,

Do we have different Leg shapes?

Plate's Pegleg, Colbalts heart like plating with a small tab like foot aout front, Demo's more retangular shape, and more?

Angelic-Tear's picture
Beast aren't "to stupid", they just rely on instinct :D
  • How does a shield pigment the energy dome, and how can it pigment it red, when there is no functioning shield?
  • How to trinkets work?
  • How do Alchemers work? (Don't think it's been said)
  • How bombheads flame without burning down the wick? Tho, I think even if they did they wouldn't blow up.
  • How can gear speed your movement up?
  • How can helms help gunning, or any other task that isn't connected to the helm?
  • How do shard/splinter/dark matter/crystalbombs work?
  • How do gravaiton/ electron bombs work?
  • How do Dark retributions work?

Wow. I asked a lot...and I have more. Never mind about the rest xD I'm not even a bomber.

Lizzi's picture
Oooh, this looks fun.

Why don't the snipes on the sniped stranger hats fly away?

(Off-topic: Art, I might be setting up shop for art commissions. Would you be interested in one? I need a few examples to make my artistic talent credible. =_=)

Dvntbjh's picture
Question about me.

How did the snarbolax come to existence?

Luguiru's picture
Needs more silliness
  • Why has the Order not collected pieces of the Skylark to rebuild?
  • Why was the Skylark near Cradle to begin with?
  • What caused the Skylark to crash (did the engine explode, gravity, etc.)?
  • Are knights robotic or organic?
  • What is east of Haven?
  • What is beyond the canyon which Haven seems to be sitting in the middle of?
  • Why do Strangers always tell us to fight other natives when they are not coming up to fight us but we go down to fight them?
  • Why did Three Rings completely take the old shard bomb mechanic out of the game?
  • Why is there no night in Haven?
  • If the game lore is based on exploring into the Clockworks to open the very core of the planet, why did we get the accessory update?

This is all for now.

Arctifice's picture
Imposing a single question

Imposing a single question per poster per day limit now. Lug and Angelic, pick which one you want answered. For now, I'll answer your top ones.

Shields, as previously mentioned, are hand held force field generators. The pigmentation is a result of placing a polychromatic crystal which changes the color output of the force field based on the strength of the force flowing through it. This is a cosmetic refinement over earlier shield models, which did not display any trace of health, and Knights thinking their shield could take that last Lumber arm were sorely, sorely mistaken.

Our legs are, in reality, very thin. Much like pants legs, the width and thickness of the legging determines how it looks, and grant additional benefits. Cobalt armor leggings have thick cloth socks around the legs covered with greaves, enabling it to hold up to long foot travel. Plate armor is simply a thin metal cone that focuses on stability and not movement. Demo armor leggings consist of multilayered sheeting that deflects energy attacks.

Strangers are caretakers of Snipes, that is why a great number are found populating Haven. As Snipes are corpulent and lazy, some Strangers take to caring for them in indoors environments. Due to the relative scarcity of materials, producing specialized bird nests is simply inefficient economically. Strangers, instead, opt to use their hats as impromptu nests for Snipes, giving them a place to rest and raise their young in. Snipes that hatch in Stranger hats do grow out of it eventually, but never leave the nest they grew up in. Some Snipes, when reaching sufficient age, stick close to the nest they were hatched in, opting to raise their own in the nest they grew in. Stranger hats with Snipes like these are vaunted by collectors, as the bird never leaves its nest. They are fed regularly to ensure they don't leave the nest, but their excrement also does not leave the nest, causing Sniped Stranger hats to be notoriously difficult to maintain.

Post a pricing guide.

The Snarbolax is not a creature of natural origin, though it incorporates attributes of multiple beast family monsters. Many believe it to be an extradimensional demon, much like a Fiend. The theory does serve to explain why the monster suddenly blinked into existence one day and converted an entire area of forest into undead-ravaged ruins. Some believe it to be the work of Devilites successfully porting in an extradimensional hellhound, but it does not share the same attributes as normal Fiends. Some report that it has attacked Devilite investigators attempting to control it. Its power suggests that the Snarbolax tore its way here all on its own, and that it is capable of ripping apart the fabric of reality to bring about more of its kind. An ample supply of Beast Bells and treasure seeking adventurers have made sure to curb that aspect, but some suspect that the energy anomalies near the Core have resulted in something else coming to this dimension.

The Skylark is a massive spacefaring vehicle, large enough to hold millions of escape pods and supplies to fill every research encampment. Merely entering Cradle's orbit caused chunks of the Skylark to rip off and fly downwards. As evidenced by the new Rescue Camp, the world's surface is not completely landmass, rather large island connected by small bridges, and great oceans of gaps under. Large fragments of the Skylark fell to the world below, perhaps after colliding with a convenient surface island, and laid in twisted masses of scrap metal, repurposed by Gremlins. Constructing another Skylark would require a gravitational dock to hold the components itself, to say nothing of the tearium core that serves as the primary fuel source. Tearium functions much like a star: a large amount of high-energy material reacts, releasing energy and compressing itself to a smaller product. Acquiring stable tearium is impossible nowadays, raw tearium was extracted off-planet and shipped to dockyards. Crystal energy has been contemplated as a possible fuel source, but it simply does not exert enough force to power a frigate engine. Much like a car battery, Crystal energy has been relegated to repair and powering components of ships, but on its own, it's not strong enough or plentiful enough.

Trabias's picture
Question : How do we charge

Question :

How do we charge up our weapons ?

Angelic-Tear's picture
I'll ask them one by one xD

but, here is the one I've chosen for now;

How can helms help gunning, or any other task that isn't connected to the helm?

Also, you didn't say how it could colour itself red, when there was no shield. :D ANSWER: It's not a bubble, it's kind of red shards of what should be a shield. How can there be any red?

Arctifice's picture
Each suit is designed with

Each suit is designed with built in energy funnels on the right hand that transfer a small amount of energy over a period of time to any weapon within that slot. Each weapon responds to this energy funnel in various ways: swords can divert that energy to the spine for release, like the Brandish series, or the handle, like Striker series. The purpose of this energy funneling is to give a weapon sufficient temporary power to discharge it at once. Handguns operate on the same principle, though depending on the weapon, different parts of the weapon are focused with energy, leading to different results. As explained before, the Brandish expends temporary energy gathered into the handle outwards through the blade in a series of air-explosions. Another distinct example is the Antigua series. The energy is focused into the hammer of the weapon, allowing the weapon to rapidly discharge rounds in a single burst. Higher iterations that specialize the Antigua into a particular damage type also recycle that energy into the last bullet, having it discharge itself with noticeably greater force than the first five. This process can be rather lengthy, but various modifications, to the weapon and to the Knight, can reduce it. Bombs operate on a different principle. The energy funnel used to focus energy into other weapons instead is used to arm a bomb. Bombs, for safety reasons, are all issued in an inert state. The energy is used, focused in manually, to guide the energy through various wires and pipes into the central first stage explosive. The speed at which the energy is diverted comprises only part of arming a bomb, dexterity and skill play a huge part.

If you don't have a shield, you shouldn't have a flashing red bubble over you.

Helmets, like armor, are an important addition to the physique of a Knight. Considering the relative proportions of a Knight, the head is just as important as the rest of the body combined. While a set of armor may physically augment the performance of a task, helmets do the same but with less effectiveness. Despite that, the helmet compensates through display modification, adding to a Knight's vision in a helpful manner. A Demo suit may have stronger amplifiers, but the helmet can also display points and highlight pathways while arming a bomb. The effect of Gunslinger armor, save for the Deadshot and Shadowsun sets, seems to be purely psychological: the simple act of donning the armor lets one feel like a gunfighter, which indirectly causes someone to pull the trigger with renewed vigor. There is evidence, however, that the hat does tap into the nerves, changing impulses to result in faster finger movements, but no one wants to know their hat is getting into their head. The Shadowsun series operates on a different principle than Gunslinger armor: stabilizers are built into the gloves of the Slicker and advanced targeting systems within the Stetson, enabling a user to identify critical weak spots in any enemy and carefully place rounds into them. This used to result in a large sacrifice in defense, as the technology did not leave room for much addition, but new changes have reverted some of these through the application of Fiendish marksmanship secrets.