So, been trying to sort out: When the auction house hits, how low could materials prices go?
As a first, fast, and possibly weird look at this:
-A haze bomb sells to a vendor for 300 Crowns. This will likely be outbid regularly on the market, but let's say it's not. We want to find a minimum, remember.
-It costs 200 crowns, 10 energy, and 5 materials (3 light shards, 2 gel drops) to make.
-So, 300 (paid to seller) - 200 (cost for alchemy) = 100, for materials and energy.
-This means that if the average cost of those materials drops below 20 crowns per unit, there's a slim but permanently-open, zero-risk margin in crowns to be made by anyone who has the recipe and mist energy that they don't intend to use - players only logging in for a minute that day, players interested in hunting up a UV, people with free + paid accounts using their 'alt' as a factory floor, and so on.
-So, for light shards and gel drops at least, and based only on this one item, 20 *looks* like it ought to be a "soft" minimum line, or at least a resistant threshold to drop under, in the long-term.
Anyway, just thought I'd share that.
10ce = 400 crowns /thread