Got home from work today.
(Where I make a wage, that some of goes to OOO.)
To bring up the forums to find out the Shard Bomb Update happened today.
Ok, Ok. not what I want, but that is a different thread.
As part of the change, as an RSS and ISB owner, I would be compensated with a couple of 3UV tickets, WHOO 8(.
But, further reading revealed that the Announcement occurred some time before the release.
So, crap tons of people rage crafted lots of crystal bombs.
And received a "gift" from OOO for doing so.
I ask you OOO, WHAT THE HELL????
These people had no right to be compensated for their bombs.
You threatened people on the Test Server that bought up too many bombs.
The compensation was aimed at those who actually used these bombs.
Please write this compensation scheme off,
and figure out a new one.
Maybe something along the lines of length of ownership, use, heat level, bound/unbound, etc.
But really, what did you give current "users" of the bombs, that you didn't give to the opportunist rage crafters.
This was just plain insulting on top of the change.
Look at the logs OOO, you will find an ever decreasing amount of play on my account since these bombs first appeared on the test server.
And the elevator pass purchase to gain access to the test server, will be the last dimes OOO gets from me without some apologies to the community.
I may be misreading this(or just plain dumb XD) but whats your point? It's unfair that people are ragecrafting bombs so that they get tickets?