We all really do like playing Spiral knights, but the Shard Bomb update was just filled with back to back fails.
I know you all have lots of bones to pick with OOO. It's not good to keep it bottled up.
So lets vent our rage right here. First list the stuff that OOO has done (or not done) that has annoyed you.
Then pick one as OOO biggest failure.
And if you have too many to list in one go, feel free to come back again.
So lets see:
Stun. Bugged. For a very long time.
Lockdown. Balanced is subjective, but you know it is unbalanced if some weapons are unusable (Blitz, Cutter).
Arcade is now almost useless.
Minerals are useless.
Offering all but a few recipie in Missions, driving rare recipe prices sky high.
Not listening to player feedback (shard bombs).
Having their reimbursement pla taken advantage of like crazy.
Weapon and Armor balance. Soo many complaints.
Cutter charge attack.
Sealed swords charge attack bug (exploding if back is against the wall)
Gran Fausts incorret stat picture. Also the long charge isn't really necessary.
Winmillion. Gunsword turned out not that great, but no 5* version?
Cautary sword. Why?
etc. I'll come back to finish later.
Biggest fail? Trying to fix what aint broke because of an obscure excuse. "Not bomblike enough". What about sealed swords?
At least find a better excuse.
I see many people dislike the idea of criticising OOO. It might be a cultural thing, but without criticim, how will they learn?
"The most hated company since EA."
Conclusion from most replies since, well since release.