Well OOO! I love the new bombs, they look and seem awesome, but from what i've heard, there are some problems.
-they vigorously exploit the deadly stun bug; so if you wouldnt mind, stun.. just do something about it XD.
-the inner explosion knocks enemies nicely to the outer ring, but then... the outer ring causes knockback? no, that shouldnt happen. Remove outer ring knockback. It will just have the bomb work in better harmony with itself
-the shards take a while to asplode, I mean it would be good for kiting .. a lot of enemies? but i really think it should be able to chain combo the likes of a greaver even, with some skill in this hyperbole of an example.. of course, yeah.
-the charge time, so just holdup one second.
Nick: "The Radiant Sun Shards was originally intended to be a fiend killer..."
Ok, cool. So all you have to do now is ramp up the charge time, and fuse time of both detonations and we're good to go, seriously! Also a little bit of ramp up on those aspects would be nice for the other bombs too :) otherwise i really like the idea of the new bomb.
Thanks for your time, i do hope these points are taken into consideration :) I look forward to seeing some improvements by the time I get my 5* Standard Shard Bomb :D
With explosive outlook; yours truly,
they look and seem awesome
my vase looks better. seems awesome too.