"World of warcraft is an mmorpg based off the RTS series warcraft. How is HoN a WoW ripoff? HoN is based on DotA, which was a map mod for Warcraft 3. So, I don't like WoW, but I do like WC3/DotA/HoN/LoL which are similar games. They are nothing like an mmorpg. Just saying :)"
Tell me how is it any different between WoW and DotA/HoN/LoL besides it's "genre"? I would love to hear from you.
From Gameplay to strategy, it's far too similar imho.
"I just completely feel so sad for the guy.
Imagine a official game reviewer was being thrown with briefcases for bad ratings."
Not with somebody who only spend 1.5 hours in the game then just wrote an opinion as reviews.