Let's face it and admit it that some of the language the admin used in the updated post were unclear. Did everyone really think that OOO was really going to take away their UVs as well besides replacing them? After all, it didn't really affect those that already owned one of the antigua lines after the update on them right? Yeah, it's not a new weapon line like the Crystal bombs, etc, but still the mentality was still there, and so was acting on that info, and the RSS still exists. I just thought that was unthinkable, even in the face of getting new UV tickets. I thought they were just giving them each one uv ticket for the bombs they owned for losing out on RSS. On the first page, one guy mentioned rage craft, but others like me didn't know whether there was only 1 UV ticket awarded per level of bomb you had.
Who in here was here before the patch update, but wasn't sure whether they should've used all their ce to craft? After all, it only increased like 250kcr more than the natural rate, it wasn't like being shot up to hell or anything. Anyone in this game also couldn't get information on whether the tickets were unlimited? I mean not all of us were free obligations and had purchases to make prior to the update with our CE am I right?
In the end, though, I must admit the bombers got screwed off more than anyone else just because of greed rather than the game content itself and keeping everyone, customers, etc happy.
It contained two huge ambiguities:
1) What does "owned" mean? Bound or in inventory?
2) When you say "each bomb" and then list bomb types, do you mean every single copy of those bombs, or only one ticket per type?
Well, we know what was meant now, but it was far from clear then.