I want to see what you fancy knights have done with it!
So, what costumes have you guys made with the hunter pack?

well we know one thing.
Whatever people make they will just look like Fancy Booger :D

Nothing, because it's all overpriced and in no supply. I can post some Spiral Spy stuff, though.

You know... It occurs to me that the vomit-colored skolver helms would look pretty cool as part of a zombie themed event. Someone needs to organize a Haven zombie walk.

The green armor looks like a boomer just splattered all,over you. Ick!

I dunno, I recreated my proto (tailed and brigadine) in hunter and I quite liked the nice, deep shade of forest green. Then, because I could, I filled up every accessory slot with Hunter items, and I still really liked it.

Nothing because it matches nothing but the items from the same promo. :/
Or well, I *could* make some of them work by "cross-accessorizing" with regal maybe, but I have no intention on investing time and money into vomit. :'(
Talk about useless costume-wise...

If i wanted to pay $10 for green mold I'd just go outside and find a tree.
i hate green as clothing :) you'll get it if you're chinese of have a chinese ethnic background like me 'green hat' xD

Lol @ Wodanct.
If only it wasn't THIS ugly shade of green.. I mean c'mon OOO you can do better. :/

thought process behind this promo

At least they should have putted some effort on it, seriously. It would be much cooler if it had an actual camouflage texture, not recoloring everything to puke green. OOO, are you even trying?

I've been saving my money for a promo, but there is no way I'm buying this. Why? I can't just get one box, open it and get an accessory. I have to HOPE I get an accessory/costume piece. But even then I can't be happy with one accessory/costume piece, because it MATCHES NOTHING FROM OUTSIDE THE PROMO. Like.... seerusly? What am I going to do if I get one box, and get that hunter wolver coat? Can't make a costume without buying other items from the promo, which cost a lot of crowns(....unless I want to wear a horribly mismatched outfit....)! I don't want to do that. OOO, the wing promos were great! I bought a valk wing promo, and I got a pairr of toasty wings, which I traded for Fancy, and I'm going to use them to make a fancy costume. This promo only targets people with big wallets....
And yes, I know I'm not forced to buy it, but they can do something better than this >.>
And... it's all recolors... .-.

"there is no way I'm buying this. Why? I can't just get one box, open it and get an accessory."
So you might want to review this box model, OOO. You're losing clients. This is the reason I haven't invested in the box promos too and plan to.

I've seen Moonsoon today sporting some hunter scale mail and it doesn't look that bad. With regal demo helm adorned with hunter accessories, Swiftstrike Buckler, Wrench Wand and chartreuse (?) as a personal colour it looked pretty decent. He looked a bit like an Aztec Warrior-Priest if you ask me.

I saw a player wearing the helm earlier. And as much as I mocked the screenshot for being vomit colored, it looks much less terrible in person. I'd recommend revising the promo image, as that's what will drive purchasing decisions.

Yeah, maybe the items look decent. Too bad they only match the other promo itmes, so you can't only get one costume piece/accessory and be happy. Oh, and thats IF you get one.

I actualy happy with this promo, always wanted green stuff :P

i im not really bough any of the hunter parts as vomit green is not really my color blahh!
but i did by the leaf aura mostly because i own all aura and have to keep up the trend =s
but when i sure the aura i new i want to make some sort of living statue with it a bit like the weeping angles from doctor who

"I've seen Moonsoon today sporting some hunter scale mail and it doesn't look that bad. With regal demo helm adorned with hunter accessories, Swiftstrike Buckler, Wrench Wand and chartreuse (?) as a personal colour it looked pretty decent. He looked a bit like an Aztec Warrior-Priest if you ask me."
Cross-accessorizing with regal is the only way to make a proper costume with them but even so it's not that great. :/
Didn't buy it. Lol
By the way.. Dammasta don't change picture please.