I mean if I'm going to be playing Spiral Knights anymore, I want to strut my stuff. Suggestions? NO! THIS ISN'T A SUGGESTION, I DEMAND IT, OOO.
I mean if I'm going to be playing Spiral Knights anymore, I want to strut my stuff. Suggestions? NO! THIS ISN'T A SUGGESTION, I DEMAND IT, OOO.
While we're on the discussion of costumes we would pay money for, I'd like a brightly coloured poncho and sombrero to go with my big curly moustachio.
Releasing weapon apparels to change their look would be nice and innovating, as opposed to a couple more hats or rainbow mustaches.
Actually rainbowy accessories would be cool, while thinking of it.
Top hat
Mustache + pipe
Suit armor set
Cane sword
Necktie/bow tie accessory
Why would you want to look like a fruitcake with no swag? Lots of libertarians have that look, I'm looking at you Austrian professors Von Mises and Rothbard. Oh wait, better put my tinfoil hat on, since these guys represent me. Screw it, some games attract certain people, other game forums in general attract a majority from another opposite group. You can waste your money on them.
Cane sword
It should be like the nightblade, where you have the scabbard part of it in your shield hand so when you charge it, it looks like you put it back in the sheath.
This is a suggestion. Your thread is asking for a feature to be implemented in the game.
The thread you are mocking is not asking for a feature to be implemented in the game. It is simply asking for answers. It may be rude, but Three Rings instigated it with their terrible update (the fact that it is terrible is universally agreed-upon), then their avoidance of the issue (as can be seen in their continued posting in other threads, while being silent about the new update).
Please come back with your facts straight.
I want a dragon tail. :(
It's the only promo I'd plan on spending money on anymore, lol.
Top hats, monocle, mustache, fur coats, dragon horns, wings, tail, all I just lastly need is a pimp cane.
Like a boss.
The hell, what's wrong with the communist look whatever that could be. I guess I gotta get a little politically philosophical here since others have as well recalling seeing another post that mentioned how Marxism didn't work and such again just recently. I'm just wondering, most of us grew up with Japanese console games right? And people think Japanese=hate communism, because they develop games for us means success for using a business model. So I guess that means anything capitalism will stay to be the in thing. But I recall an independent-affilliated economist professor(this hetero-orthodox monetarist economist really loves Milton Friedman) showed a thick comic book in class that was about Marxism and the story had Karl Marx as a character in the book in an anime style right around the time when Japanese voters got fed up with the LDP failing to bring the economy back up. Yes, Japanese politics is somewhat funny. I'm not advocating such a system, but I think people underestimate the respect people had for Karl Marx, who's work was inspired by an earlier one that some may have learnt from school or radicals who spoke against the works. So anyways, Japan is seen as cool, and people will make the assumption that they think capitalism is the in thing. Just want to say that just because Marxism is not seen as something that doesn't work(cause no one wants to look like a fool...if that's true?) and is acknowledged by other professors, doesn't mean that they don't have admiration for his works or Keynes for that matter, just like my monetarist professor who I had for history of economics. Or especially if people like me talk of things that's similar to equality like equal chances, you would think I'm the only joke that everyone would agree with, or whatever is causing you to act this way tongue in cheek. There were several more liberal types, which I wish I had more exposure too unfortunately, but the resource economics side provided some interesting thinking and such. Alright, I'm gone from here.
Dragon horns side acc that would be horns oriented backwards and demon hors oriented upwards and curled omg yes OOO please yes.
What about those white court wigs. Toupees need competition.
And sun shards that look like cups of tea/cofee. The projectiles would be sugar.
There's a problem with that suggestion. It requires to make a new model instead of retexturing an existing one.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
CE Promos.
With Capes.
Don't EVEN quote The Incredibles.
I would sell my first-born child into slavery to get a sophisticated knight.
That is all.
You guys should stop being so entitled you don't know how hard Three Rings works to make new items and you just suggest them willy nilly like making new items is their job. It makes me physically ill to think that people would want more than they already have. My entitlement meter is off the charts in here you guys better check your entitlement levels and being them down to somewhere more acceptable. Like zero.
I have personally suggested this several times, old chap.
It appears the gents at Three Rings do not deem us Noble Knights worthy of such dapper finery.