When the new bomb change was announced I made the comment that this could be really good or the worst thing to happen to bombers, unfortunately it has played out to be the latter. There was plenty of good feedback on the testing forum with 3-4 consistent ideas coming from the testing community on how to make these bombs viable, regardless nothing was changed at launch. Here is what I fell this bomb needs to make it viable.
-Give it a 15% buff in damage. OOO stated they didn't want to reduce the effectiveness of the RSS but that is exactly what was done. The RSS was a high damage bomb for tight crowds and single targets, this bomb is lacking in damage to even remotely compare to the old RSS. OOO also stated that they were making a bomb that packed a punch, where is it?
-Remove the knockback from the shard blast. The center blast has predictable knockback but 8 overlapping explosions throws the enemies in a very unpredictable manner. This issue takes the, once party friendly, RSS and has made it a blight in group play.
-Reduce the fuse time on the shard explosion. I feel this is the single greatest thing they could do to help this bomb. When the description of these first came out I envisioned enemies being pinballed between two blasts but the fuse time makes this impossible and greatly reduces the effectiveness of these new bombs.
I can only hope OOO will listen to their community in regards to these bombs. Please post your support or suggested changes to make these new bombs viable.
packed a punch
I think they were talking about putting Punch out of business with all the free UV tickets they gave away.
Packed a Punch.