Dragon Scale Set - is it viable for T3?

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Legacy Username

The Elemental Defense and Fire Resist sure are nice, but the only problem I see is that it offers Piercing defense instead of Normal...and from what I know about T3, Piercing defense is almost useless. So I guess the real question is: should I go for a Dragon Scale set or go for the tried-and-true Vog Cub set?

Hazel's picture
Dragon Scale isn't even

Dragon Scale isn't even viable in T2, breh.

If it's popular, it's popular for a reason!

Legacy Username
Viable? By definition, sure.

Viable? By definition, sure. It's viable to go in there with even less - just don't get hit.

Is it comparable to Vog Cub or other Normal/Elemental gear that has Fire resist? Not really. The only pierce damage I know of is slime special attacks. I guess there's a lot of spikes in Firestorm Citadel...

Shoebox's picture
Dragon Scale Mail with the

Dragon Scale Mail with the Chapeau of the Red Rose looks pretty nice.
So it's viable as a costume.

Legacy Username
It's viable to poop on.

It's viable to poop on.

Hazel's picture
Dragon Scale Mail with the

Dragon Scale Mail with the Chapeau of the Red Rose looks pretty nice.
So it's viable as a costume.

It really does!

Personally, though, I'm all about Grey Feather Mantle with Red Rose Chapeau. It's my costume in-game.

Legacy Username
What if...

What if you don't wear it as a set?

Is there any advantage to wearing things as sets rather than pairing different helmets/mails?

(I'm making the Dragon Scale Mail anyway, but then I've always been a weird champion for the underdog when it comes to weapons and armor - I'll probably get a Glacius too!)

Legacy Username
Thanks for the input guys,

Thanks for the input guys, I'm definitely going Vog Cub. I do somewhat like the look of the Dragon Scale armor though, so maybe as a costume if I feel like finding the recipes and mats...and energy, and crowns.

Hazel's picture
What if you don't wear it as

What if you don't wear it as a set?

Is there any advantage to wearing things as sets rather than pairing different helmets/mails?

If breaking a set involves using an item with zero normal defense, enjoy being shattered into unrecognizable pieces in deep T3.

Legacy Username
As someone who liked the

As someone who liked the dragon scale series for the longest time, take it from me:

Dragon Scale anything is, for the most part, garbage. (As much as I would love to have it be to the contrary, the armor looks fantastic visually.) Normal Defense is simply too important to give up, and piercing defense is agreed upon as useless. The shield might be useful, but I have my doubts. Besides, there are better for t3.

atm the majority of damage

atm the majority of damage comes from normal and elemental damage until some gates with majority of higher difficulty monsters come out that use Piercing as a primary source of damage then its not very useful...so until then...

Softhead's picture
Dragon scale?

I have drake scale mail. Im getting Shadow/Normal Helm. So is it okay?

Windsickle's picture

You do realize this was posted in April right? Anyways, I've thought about something along those lines too. Why don't you get the Skelly Shield. You get the normal and shadow defense as well as 2 status resistances, all of which the Drake set doesn't give you (plus, you don't have the fire vulnerability the rest of the Skelly equipment has). Also, it's available at 2 stars so you can get it cheap right away and work it up to 5! Helmet of choice is up to you still. I think I'm going to do something similar myself.

Trying's picture
This post was made so long

This post was made so long ago that wolvers and slimes did normal damage instead of pierce so Drake is no longer "garbage"

Regalya's picture
The Dragon Scale shield still

The Dragon Scale shield still huge pile of garbage tho

Aljevoias's picture
I dunno.. I like my dragon

I dunno.. I like my dragon scale shield. Don't have to dodge gun pups or slime turrets because the bullets do almost nothing to the shield, and it can take quite a few hits from wolver packs as well. Nothing else is particularly troublesome to just dodge down in T3.

Niichi's picture

Why don't you get the Skelly Shield. You get the normal and shadow defense as well as 2 status resistances, all of which the Drake set doesn't give you (plus, you don't have the fire vulnerability the rest of the Skelly equipment has).

The stats of a shield only applies when you're actually defending. For example, the status resists of the shield only reduce the damage the shield takes from attacks that can cause those statuses. This also means the defence values only affect the damage the shield itself takes from attacks, not what you take from attacks.

The only exceptions are the weapon and health abilities - the bonuses given by the Barbarous Thorn, Swiftstrike and Scarlet shield lines.

Windsickle's picture

True. What's your point?

Niichi's picture

Point is it wouldn't counterbalance the lack of normal defence of the Dragon Scale set. Unless you're blocking every single attack with even a hint of normal or shadow damage. In which case cool for you, wish you luck with it.

I was just running under the assumption that you thought the shield would help you take in more damage from those damage types.

Windsickle's picture
I suppose you're right though

I suppose you're right though Niichi in that having some normal and shadow defense in the armor would be very beneficial, especially if you often find yourself getting attacked unaware and unable to bring your shield up in time (Fiends).