me and a friend wanted to buy and share the guardian armor pack, question is: is the guardian armor bound to one player? or can i share it? as in, can i give the heavenly armor to my friend.
someone please help.
sharing guardian armor pack
Sat, 08/11/2012 - 05:13
Sat, 08/11/2012 - 05:29
Let me rephrase that... on a proper, long form.
He said the Guardians Armor Pack will be bounded for only one player, thus the other player will not receive anything. The Heavenly/Infernal Armor Set cannot be traded as it is bounded once claimed from the player. However, the crystal energy obtained can be traded. Moreover that if both wanted the package, ye have to buy two.
Hope that helps.
Both costumes are bound to player, who bought it. So you can't share it, you can only buy it as a gift to someone.