brute core gel drop scrap metal
Sat, 08/11/2012 - 11:23
Sat, 08/11/2012 - 11:33
*opens trade with
*opens trade with Fehzor*
*puts in a ton of materials*
Sat, 08/11/2012 - 12:28
This Belongs in The Bazaar.
Why did you have to put this on the forums anyway? You could have better sales if you marketed this on the auction house.
Sat, 08/11/2012 - 21:17
I accept donations of Ecto
I accept donations of Ecto Drops, Gel Drops, and Scrap Metal.
Sat, 08/11/2012 - 21:27
I accept donations of...
...Sparks of Life, Plasma Cells, Mod Calibrators, and Gremlonium.
What good are you hoping will come from these goofy threads?
You quite obviously know better because you've been here for a while, so what do you gain from doing it? You certainly don't "troll people" with it, as they all know who you are and just disregard it.
Perhaps this is the reason the devs "ignore feedback" so often, hmm?