how much CE is a
a) Divine Avenger
b) Glacius
c) Fang of vog
thanks for your answers?
Also how do I get to the Hero hall?
What are these worth?

Do you mean the hall of heroes? Some missions will bring you there directly.
What are they worth in Ce , 9K each O_O?
and yes the hall of heros

a) Divine Avenger <<< only Basil Recipes, Unbind Cost 4000 Ce, so some sellers would want around 6k Ce for it
b) Glacius <<< only weapon you can get with recipes in Hall of Heroes
c) Fang of vog <<< Vana duke tokens, Unbind Cost same 4000 Ce, some sellers want 4500 or 5000 for it.
so.. only Glacius you will get from mission (but recipes), the other 2 no. so check Trade Channel in haven if you want to buy Divine avenger and Fang of Vog or well you can do some jelly runs to get a sealed sword and upgrade it to divine avenger, and some vana runs to get enought tokens to trade them for a fang of vog.
About heros hall you need to do Rank missions, i guess your first Hall of heroes its on rank mission 4-1 you will get more hall of heroes with more recipes when you keep doing the missions. so good luck
Kk: maybe i overpriced them so i fixed the prices

There is a mission called HoH.
It DEPENDS on seller's price. Those are 5*, and way out of your league(You don't know where the HoH is? Out of your price range, ruins the fun of getting your gear to 5* and you're on the 2* HoH).
Fang of Vog is a boss token reward.
Look up the WIKI.

In order to sell a 5* item, you have to unbind it. Unbinding costs WAY more than crafting the item directly, and as a result, there's not a very wide market for premade 5* weapons unless they have highly desirable UVs.
Thus: even if one of these weapons sold for x price in theory, you would have a hard time finding a buyer.
Well, I tried it and got scammed by Agent-Xx. :/

If you were stupid enough to do that,
Your fault.
Never do that kind of Unbinding trade.
Just do crafting.
Also, name shaming is not allowed.

you should send a report in game writting /complain "player name here" or just right click on his character then "complain". the person who should sell you the item should have already unbind the item or well unbind it in your eyes so you can see he is going to sell you the item you want, never accept to trade first the CE before to unbind because it have high chance to get you scammed

Where did you got those prices
Baazar or arsenal
Its over 9000!