We actually have 2 events:
The vote where the guild is voting for a new officer
And the 1 year anniversary:
Okay first we have problems of time zone so here:
Starts at 9am seattle time this friday (dont worry if you miss the first event there are other events)
Meet at guild hall..
*you may only participate in 2 events to give others chance of winning
* if you are not able to participate due to time zone I will Mail you ce as prize
There ill be 15 questions, who ever answers the most wins this prizes:
1st place: 500ce
2nd place: 250ce
3rd place: 150ce
Clock works dash:
You can do any gate at arcade, All you have to do is reach ember light town (start at moor craft manor)
when you get there tell chrizmaniac your done, you may skip fighting but this is a solo run.
(Also please save 100mist or you may not participate if you have no energy)
1st place: shadowtech mkll slime low + 2 sun silver
2nd place: prismatech mk ll ctr low + shadow steel + primal ore
3rd place: fiery vap mk ll gremlin med + silverweave
judges are the guild masters they will decide 1st 2nd and 3rd
1st place: fractured seerus mask
2nd place: knightmare mane
3rd place: 2x toasty maid headband + 50ce
If we have enough time or prizes we might be able to do a race around the haven fountain...