I love this game because Moonsoon, Rep, Dogrock, Avenged, Easy, Hadn, and so many others:
He a dam fairy the kid is my partner in spending in this game I can always count on moonsoon to match me in money like its great hey moon how much did u spend this promo oh wow me 2....oh wait nj u spent 100 dollars more I'm spend 100 LOL I LOVE HIM. The best is when we are just chilling and are like wait wtf we just spent 40k ce in 2mins...HOW....Idk dude.....Oh and the best thing he ever talked me into is buying 10k Confetti since he was going to buy 10k confetti. CONFETTI FAIRIES FTW <69
I mean Dog and I been playing together back in Beta we were playing together way too much his real-life girlfriend had to meet me to make sure I was a good influence. HE THE BEST EVER and had the first snipe hat in this game without three rings making it.
Because he trolls me and puts me in my place I secretly hate him so I'm not writing anything. (And Provi visited me and said I can't sa nice things about him)
He jail-bait he the best if I want to get anyone in trouble I tell Avenged to sexy them up so we can send them to jail
Since she so easy especially when she DRUNK lol.
He the guild master of Hadnsome and Hadnicapped.
I would like to thank Grrween for driving me to work while mstillhungover.
EDIT: Ohmygod, just realized. Gwen is always drunk. What the eff is she doing driving.