I realize this question has probably been asked before but lets be honest a lot of these threads get buried to the point its hard to find them when search them in the forums. I just wanna know when to expect the guild updates them and what to expect in them. Before you put that the admin already posted what they'll be add or that there already is a forum post where the fans have been going on to describe in extreme detail what they wanted to see because:
A. The post by the developer was very vague in that he stated the expansion of the guild and guild hall, and that it would allow us to furnish the guild hall. Ok I get it but other than that there wasn't a whole lot of indication of other stuff (if any at all) they were going to add if any.
B. I realize that Severage (PS I don't know how to link to other threads yet) made a whole thread that was updated on numerous occasions that explained what fans wanted to see get added, but that doesn't add conclusive evidence that those are going to be added, just that's what people want to get added.
What I'm trying to say is I'm asking what the community of spiral knights is 70-100% sure is going to be added to the game in terms of guilds and is 80-90% (because if your 100% sure, you lying) sure of when the guild updates are coming. So I know what to be prepared for and when to prepare for it. Which isn't that what forums are for anyways.
On a side note I'm not going to add any suggestions of what I wanna see because I'm pretty sure what I want to has already been suggested (Besides, The thing only my friends and I want is a guild bank where crown, energy, and materials can be stored/donated by any guild members, and removed at the guild master[s] discretion).
When it's done.