I come to these general discussion parts to discuss thing spiral knights related. If Echo of silence wants to show off their bonding with one another do so in one thread and comment multiple times on that. Don't make useless threads that do nothing for anyone. Don't ruin the forums for people like myself who come to offer his opinion and trade ideas with others. Sure you can say the Rage threads are just as bad but people put time and effort into making them. It shouldn't be bumped down for space as useless as this. How can anyone take this game seriously when they look up general discussions. I'm all for having fun but if you want to have lovey dovey time there are better ways to go about it. I mean if you guys can do it then anyone can do it. Think of the example you are setting for other guilds. You don't think they wouldn't try something like this. It's not harmful but it's hardly useful. If you don't like the Rage threads that 000 put on themselves then don't bother coming to the forums. The state of the forums are dictated by the state of the game. If 000 does something good people will let them know. If they do something they don't agree with they will also let them know. If you wish to spread 000 love do so in one thread. In your case just send them more cookies and cakes. I have nothing but respect for people in Echo and also have many friends in there as well. I however can't ignore this. It's just not right no matter what way you look at it. Last time I checked this isn't Echo of silence's forums.
Awaits the pitchforks and torches from Echo...............
p.s: saw what happen to poor Tera might have not been wise...... needed to be said anyways sigh....
You're alright, mate.