Obviously it's suppose to be tomorrow.
There won't be an update until the promo's over.
Haha, what was I expecting. I should know better from playing this game for so long :)
Fingers crossed for next wednesday.
Well its Tuesday, August 21, 2012 the promos over and hopefully that means OOO had plenty of extra time to focus on the guild updates, so that hopefully tomorrow we can final get them just being optimistic.
RS: Any future projects we should be looking out for coming from Three Rings and/or yourself?
Nick: Three Rings has a number of interesting things in store for everyone but my lips are sealed on the details. As for Spiral Knights, there's the Guild Hall update I mentioned, new missions, some major enhancements to combat, new weapons and gear and of course, lots of other exciting things I can't talk about unless I want to be fed to a horde of spookats.
@Thunderbog Where did you get that? And most importantly, when?
I suppose ye're no Twitter fan, so check it out what Mr. Popovich goes into outside confidential.
Unless I'm wrong and it's counting down to an update as I speak, I don't think there's going to be an update today.