For the past few days I've (and a few other people) spotted a Wolver which resembled something of the Vog Cub set. On the wiki it does say that the Vog Cub doesn't exist anymore since it was hunted to extinction for its coat (seems like us Knights aren't too eco -_-). Then what Wolver was that? Was it a new type of Wolver? Or is the wiki just outdated or something
Sorry if this isn't the right forum to post this........just not sure where I should put it
(I will try to get a photo of it soon, hopefully not dying in the process)
Vog Cub Back?!

This is what the Vog Cub looked like in the Beta.
For some reason Equinox is blocking the upload of the Vog Cub image so you'll just have to make do with this until he fixes it.
Also apparently T3 Ash Tails (Alpha Ash Tails?) have a similar flame pattern on them to Vog Cubs. But they're not Vog Cubs.

I know, but im sure OP dont know game monsters very well and it was just some regular wolver and he dont know about it, so he can look up wiki and be like "omg its exactly what i saw, sorry for spreading unnesesary rumors"

Yeah, I saw one of the lava-ish wolvers too, they appeared in the 6-1 mission "High Temperature Hostages". They appeared next to Ash Tails on a team button arena place, but they didn't drop any rares or anything, so if you mean these I believe its something normal. Altough I wasn't in Beta, looking at that image posted makes me want to have that creature back. (Not sure if im bumping, found this thread trough google. If I am, I apologize)
Still no screenshots? I'm still not convinced by the existance of vog cubs in game, and yes look at the last post. You did necro a post my friend.

Alpha Ash Tail in Tier 3. That's the closest it gets to a Vog Cub, I'm pretty sure that's what you saw.

Alpha ash tail's are the only available monsters atm that retain similarity to vog cub's.

That explains it, next stop, graveyard
Oh, and thanks for the info everyone =)
...any pics?
I managed to swap textures and got a look at those wolvers.