we have a winner
If only the locals of my history was easy to read and understand. Remember I'm living south, east, and I'm asian. x.x
Appearantly I have to deal with what languages I'm using. >.<
(unless science from english turned into my local language, i'll definetally complain. also maths)
I sure do want to pick a America history book one day, or for the greater good, Englanddddddddddddd~
(we also learn about europe here, no big deal I guess)
Use my imagination o.0 :P
lol um, are you sure you want me to do that?
History is easier if you don't look at it as memorizing events, dates and places. Put yourself in the context of it. Live it. For example, Columbus discovering America. Be him. Why did he go on his mission? What was he looking for? Who sent him and where was he supposed to go? (hint, his orders where given in degrees of longitude and latitude) How did he mess it up? All of that will help you remember the dates/time frame. That who sent him, will help you remember who the world leaders where in that time frame and give you an understanding of the then world politics and what came after. Wars, same thing, what caused them, how did they end, what protocols came from it. Those protocols, what impact did it have on the other countries involved and what did it lead to. It will build you a time frame of events. Relate events to other events.