Yeah, got a stranger hat I want to replace. Any way to get rid of it?
How Do I Get Rid of a Binded Costume?

That would be a terrible idea. The last thing the market needs is an influx of suddenly unbound Rose Regalia. And bombheads already have their own market, there exist unbound bombheads.

If anything being able to sell back to an NPC or something just to clear the inventory space. Though it's not like we really have a limit.

Costume recycling isn't extremely horrible.... when faced with a chance for the item to be destroyed... And I feel making the other bombheads available via unbind would actually give some people hope, as some people have devoted a ton of time just trying for bombheads and simply can't get them either due to lack of skill, lack of decent processing, lack of luck, or some mix of the three.
Also, the influx would be a crownsink... while, granted, some will rage... I think the economy could use yet another crownsink to aid the drop of CE. A mitigation of the influx of awesome costumes made via chance (see: Punch, the king of SK (t)rolls), I feel, would cause a decent drop in CE price, since some people just can't help their gambling ways.
Should SK receive such a function, obviously with the chance of costume destruction should come the chance of reimbursement. This does quite a few things at once. (Return on investment potential, gambling, increase in rarity for costumes, a way for featured rose regalia auctions and other such to receive a few more cr, CE:CR flow, emptying of the 100 bombhead list so many pro BN'ers seem to have, overall inventory opening)
If everyone honestly feels it's such a horrible suggestion, please speak now. But I am of the opinion that, if given a chance to fail (likely with a reimbursement of some sort), this would open up some economic flow in the market that the HoH still has stagnated.

Three Rings does not want ye to lose yer precious stuffs by clicking "Destroy" button.
Try selling it to NPC.

Sell it to any NPC for the EXTREME AMOUNT of 1 crown
When you can reach 10kCE to buy it from a player :D
Just keep it.
Move to New Recruits section.
Last I checked, no, you cannot lose/get rid of a BOUND costume unless it has been otherwise specified by the costume itself (a la trojan/love puppy heads).
Would be a decent feature though, might cause a light price drop in AH for certain costumes due to inflow of costume items. Ooooh, and bombheads would develop their own market too....
*off to the suggestions board*