ok.... i REALLY hate fiends..... i cant beat them, i just cant.
what are your tactics against them? i dont want to buy more gear just to battle fiends and just want your plan of attack so i can be a little bit less stressed at the end of a mission. thank you
battling fiends?!!?

Since you didn't mention what gear you use, I'll just suggest a piercing sword (FF or BTB) and a shadow defense shield (CoA?) for fiend levels. Fiends used to terrify me as well, but those were times I used to roam around all over with an Ascended Calibur.
Just keep using the first swing of piercing swords and shield up as soon as the swing ends. Don't give them too much time to attack, they will wear down your shield pretty fast. Keep moving around, strafing and stuff. You can keep interrupting the devilites' and greavers' attack animations, if you just frequently and intelligently keep abusing your first swing. Trojans? Are easy, just bait and swing. I would really, really recommend a piercing sword. If your unwilling to invest in one; idk other ways, if at all there are any ways to take care of devilites easily.

Move to new recruits?
1. Get a shadow defense shield. If you are not at the point where you can get Almirian seals for a Blackened Crest, get a Skelly Shield. They will be able to take a few more hits, useful in both defense and offense (see below).
2. Get a toothpick. Final Flourish or Barbarous Thorn Blade line.
3. Get shadow defense armors. Because you know you will fail to block some of the flying objects. Because fiends hit you hard regardless of full shadow defense, but you still want to get a little more out of your health bar.
4. Optionally, get a Dark Briar Barrage (DBB). When you are in a spacious room, you can bomb and kite, making minced meat out of fiends.
Devilite tactics:
1. Don't move in a straight line relative to a devilite. This includes the one you're walking towards, and the one you're walking away from at the same time. When devilites get a lock-on, and you have your shield down, they throw. Keep shifting left and right (while closing in), and they will keep turning, trying to get a lock-on, thus delaying their attacks.
2. Keep your shield up, even when attacking. When you melee a devilite, it means you are standing right in front of it. No matter how you move left and right, it will throw and it will hit you. Use toothpick's first swing and shield cancel.
3. When your shield is taking a hit, back off and hide behind obstacles. Devilite projectiles cannot pass through full-height blocks. Keep those blocks intact.
4. The devilite upgrade, the overtimers, has a non-interruptible melee attack. When you see they raise their pitchfork, shield.
5. Divide and conquer. Devilite has limited detection range. When you are far away from them, they will just move around and chill. Get the attention from one or two, then back off.
6. Devilite promotion rules.
These rules are documented on Wiki:
- Pit boss (big blue with a pipe) randomly promote devilites into overtimer/yesman.
- Yesman (bright green) sticks close to pit bosses and heal them. If a pit boss dies nearby, yesman will turn into overtimer.
- When only pit boss remains, they will all simultaneously turn into devilites.
- Overtimers and devilites are the only attackers.
There are also some rules I observed that are not in wiki. It seems whenever a single type is completely wiped out, promotion/demotion will happen to fill the vacancies. e.g.
- When a pit boss is about to be demoted into devilite, you cannot stop the conversion by quickly killing the pit boss. A devilite will always appear in its place. This may be a bug.
- All pit boss dies with some yesman around. A yesman turns into a pit boss.
- All yesman dies. A pit boss changes a devilite/overtimer into yesman.
- Pit boss is more likely to make new overtimers when there are none.
With those rules you can manipulate the population of devilites you have to deal with.
7. Ambush. The Dark City levels, particularly Plazamonium, have fixed spawn points (for waves and near group buttons). Learn and remember them, and prepare DBB/charge attacks.
Greaver tactics:
1. Shock greavers are particularly lethal, since the shock will open you to further attacks which will shock you again and again.
2. Don't let them surround you. If you are dealing with greavers alone, put your back to a wall/corner. Keep using toothpick first swing to interrupt greavers from ever spreading that status cloud.
3. Greavers should always be the first priority, no matter what other fiends/kats are also present.
4. Use bombs (shivermist buster/dark briar barrage) whenever you can anticipate them being spawned.

" i dont want to buy more gear just to battle fiends"
Good luck in future.

I kill dem in full skolver, barb shield (just my regular armor), asi med final flourish. works great, as long as you keep moving perpendicular to their shooting line. don't move like... argh I'll make a vid, but just don't move in his line of fire.
my full skolver gives me medium damage each, and the barb shield also gives me medium. max damage roocks!.
run around them, after they throw, get close and wreck em with the flourish.
for the butterflies of deaaath, I just keep backing up so when they charge at me, they group to my face instead of all around me, and then I cancel their attack with a flourish swing, and then use up like 2 combos and get the hell out of there if they aren't dead.
for trojans, stand still in his face for half a second, and then run around him and wreck him. when you're straight up in his face, he usually will just strike (not dash).
you can also stand about dashing distance, wait for 1 second, and run around to where his back will be when the dash ends. try to get him to strike after the dash, so you have enough time for maybe 2 combos.
NOTE: snarbolax armor set will be alot better in terms of defense against fiends.
send me in-game mail of a hard fiend mission, and I'll record it solo or duo. specify if you want solo or duo too ^.^
I will post the link onto this ^.^

We need to know which weapons you have. Strategies are totally different for all the various weapons.

thanks for the info evilnut. and i meant devilites. im using a master blaster, cold iron carver and gunslinger armor. and if buying special equipment is needed then i guess ill just do that.

Master Blaster should work pretty well. Keep your distance, dodge and block more than you shoot. Always watch their movement and don't fire unless you know you have an opening.
Nothing kills fiends like a tootpick, though.

Keep your distance and never stop moving. Remember that any hit will make Grievers (those damn bats) flinch and stop their attack. Also, move always in ONE direction, don't make zig-zags. Also, green devilites are harmless, but remember to kill them first because if you kill the Pit Boss (the big with glasses) you will turn all green devilites around most likely into the Overtimers (the very angry ones)
Guns are recommended, rushing with a Flourish sword may get you a few throws to the head.
Doh, Evilnut post is much better.

knew one of these would come around one time or another >.>

We would rather not let you kill us. A hug is always the solution. We do not work to die. We die to work. So next time you come in running with your shield down, we know you're a friendly and we'll toss you some souvenirs before you go out the door. Who doesn't like an infernal stapler once in a while?

When using swords, do single strokes. Don't attempt full combos. Just do one stroke, then shield and move, and then repeat. This works extremely, extremely well with a piercing sword, because (A) they have long, wide, fast first strokes, and (B) fiends are vulnerable to piercing.
Ye let yer guard down, ye die.