I'm not sure if this is in the right section.
So this may come off as completely random...
However it may be helpful to some people
If you are on the wiki and all the items have random boxes next to them in the place where the stars should be, then you can read below to find out how to fix it.
So this happened to me, but the thing is I remember that I used to be able to see them, but after a serious error with my computer some of the fonts (among other things) were deleted during the restoration problem, and now the stars are boxes. I did a little research into the issue and discovered that if you see boxes ANYWHERE, it means there is some sort of unsupported font. From there I attempted to find what fonts could fix the problem for me. One website said that Arial Unicode MS had a very large variety of glyphs available and would probably correct any boxes. However, getting Arial Unicode MS is not as easy as it seems, since it's actually a commercial font with many licenses and such associated with it. I wondered if there were any other sneaky ways to get it for free, and a Yahoo Answers question said that Microsoft Office comes with Arial Unicode MS. However, that costs hundreds of dollars which I don't feel like spending. Luckily, there is a free 60-day trial you can get. So, here's the list of steps to fix the problem:
Step 1: Check: Do you have Microsoft Office installed? If you do, then you shouldn't have a problem.
Step 2: If you don't have Microsoft Office, you can get the free 60-day trial here: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/try/ (You may have to make an account)
Step 3: Run through the download and installation process
Step 4: Restart your computer. YAY and you should see stars instead of boxes.