KOA could only be played once a day, AND can only be played if you have the mission?
how would the games economy change if.....
Prices of CoA and FoV would go through the roof
And with what OP said, it could actually slow down the CE price inflation, since it would be harder to access the place. Still, a better way to do so is to reduce the place's loot dropping to even up its difference between tier 2 and 3.
People would leave to Haven after killing Vanaduke, all would be the same, just newbies wouldn't get to FSC. Rich people continue being rich, prices still are decided by them.
Or just nerf the FSC payout. Seriously. I don't know why they haven't done it yet, it's stupid that there's one place that has such a higher relative payout than everywhere else and that it is mind-numbingly easy once you're used to it.
Uhm... maybe because... its still considered as 'hard' place of game and takes avarge 45-60minutes to complete by average party?
Also, if KOA would be playable once, the game would be just same as it was for several months before introduction of rank 9 missions.
CE prices would remain the same, but now only exploiters using invites from characters that haven't finished Vanaduke yet and early leaving would afford it.
"FSC could only be played once, AND can only be played if you have the mission?"
If the FSC mission was only playable once then all that would happen is that people would return to Haven before getting on the last elevator, thus preventing the mission from completing. Are they going to prevent people from doing a mission just because they fail at completing it? I do not think so.
If you are going to think up ways to prevent... whatever, then you also have to think past it to how people are going to get around it. To use a chess analogy you have to think ahead a few turns. If I do this, then they logically are going to do "this", meaning I need to do "that" or the first action was pointless.
try not to take this post too serious, this was more of a ''what if'' thread, and i just wanted to see what ppl would say, i dont actually want this topic to actually come true...... Oh yeah, and i made some edits in case you haven't noticed :p
if you'd took the time to read my last post, you'd know that i never asked if i was a bad idea or not, what im asking was what would happen.
What would happen? It would be like last year again. The CE price would be more managable for players. CoA and FoV prices would still suck because everyone and their dog can beat Vanaduke. It would help control the excess crowns in the game. Honestly, it would HELP the game to make KoA once a day or unreplayable. Three Rings won't do that though, it will probably somehow cut into the amount of money they get. If CE was cheaper less of my friends probably would of gave up this game. All great players, just once the ways to make money besides mist crafting or throwing money at Three Rings is ruined no one wants to be around anymore. Farming UFSC isn't worth it anymore, it isn't worth the time to sell 5 star weapons anymore unless you have a great UV on them. I'm going to end up ranting so..
Making KoA once a day OR unreplayable would HELP the game.
"Making KoA once a day OR unreplayable would HELP the game."
Whoa, whoa, well if KoA would be unreplayable dont you think all boss missions should be like that?
Wouldn't make sense if it was the only unrepeatable boss mission.
Of course all the boss missions should be like that, do I have to type every little thing?
with starting a topic that asks for suggestions to what might bring the price of CE down?
I dont think making the KoA mission un-replayable would affect the CE economy too much, as you can get to FSC thru the clockworks. It would certainly slow people down, as they would first have to fork over 40 mist thru the first four tier3 levels just to get there. But some smart people would just keep an eye on the 'party finder' and when an open party at the mid point of the gate that has the FSC run in it comes up, they will then join, go solo, and invite whoever to join them. We would be at where we were before the Missions roll-out was even made.
One other thing that you would be doing by restricting the KoA mission - Anyone who has not completed the mission but is able to do so must then be lucky enough to pair up with 1, 2 or 3 others that also have the same condition, or be forced to solo it to complete the mission path & earn vanguard status.
FSC could not be played once because its a part of arcade and its boss. How would it look if you go to arcade and you cant complete one gate just because you did FSC already.
FSC is not part of the mission system.
Hint: if you want to talk about something use proper names FSC (firestorm citadel that is found in arcade) =/= KOA (king of ashes mission found in mission system) because making just FSC (as arcade stratum) playable once would be ridiculous even as hypothetical situation