I just visited Armor games today and to my suprise Spiralknights was being featured. This is great news that more people will know about Spiralknights especially from such a big flash game website.
Spiral Knights is now on Armor games

I am in Armor Games too o.o So, what benefits brings porting to it? I will go check right now though.
Edit: Nothing I can see at the profile of the game...
Edit 2: Dunno how much the game was on already, but it has now 16k plays.

Now I have people to sell overpriced 2* items to in the rescue camp with my alts.

I wonder if armorgames client will have same limitations just like kongregate client:
- no forum access
- no support portal access
- no wiki access
- no trading of expansion missions
- lack of informations on local forum

As far as i checked, when you make accounts on steam, official website and kongregate, SK client still can link accounts properly and mist is shared and also it tells you if you created too many accounts on computer.

Cue mass spittake.
Well, I guess at least this will be more work for me telling people what to do in forums -
wait that means more pets/healingweps/mounts/twohanded/dualwield threads in suggestions/GD

there pretty cool. Fan of the Raze games.

Sweet Armorgames.. I remember that place.. it was back in elementary school.. such a long time ago.. This can't be a good thing having spiral knights listed on there.

Look at the armor games background. The roarmulus twin looks awesome.

The coolest design including the Roarmulus Twins IMO was in the News thing in-game when they first came out

I just went to rescue camp with my newest alt and people are everywhere.

I've got many wolver coats lining the arsenals of my alts, now I just need to convince people that they're worth 2k each, then BAM!! profit