All gear 5*. Depth near the core. Each rocket puppy missile decreases my health bar (full, additionally with vitapod 18-21) almost TWICE. Nay, its missile also is incendiary, so when it decreases health to 1 pt (& only 2 shots for this enough), fire DOT damage necessarily kills me. & it else with my normal quantity of elemental defence, & imagine what will be with player without it. Their magic-bullet missiles also practically cannot be evaded, thanks to supernatural homing, also shielding against it not very efficient, cuz almost every time it breaks shield. Fortunately it's rather rare enemy, so maybe due that it's not balanced as necessary. But one time in arena, was spawned 8 (!!!) rocket puppies in same time, & nothing left to me, as immediately return to haven.
Tier 3 Rocket Puppies must be some nerfed?
Although it would be nice if they made the rockets explode when it touches something, instead of breaking all possible physic laws and reaching us.
They do alot of damage, welcome to tier 3. Also try some fire resistance for those fire rockets.
I dodge the rockets all the time. Its not impossible, but I wont lie to you and say its easy. Try running in circles once the missile is behind you.
Yes getting 8 rocket puppies in an arena is sort of a challenge, but if its solo they die rather quickly so make sure you arent in the middle and get aggro on all of them. In a party I dont see it as much of a problem unless everyone else is already dead as the puppies would be focusing on others.
Also my shield can withstand two to three rockets before breaking so I dont know what shield your using, but it must not be elemental.
The last thing this game needs is to get any easier than it is, so dont nerf the rocket puppies because they arent broken in any way.
I would change the fire with stun. Red rovers already do fire and no puppy deals stun.
But provided you have space, you can outsmart the missile.
"But one time in arena, was spawned 8 (!!!) rocket puppies in same time"
Thats poor wave management. if you do this right, the turrets wil never notice you and you can stealthly kill them.
T3 rocket puppies are hilarious. I've seen missiles doing donuts on a dime.
Single rockets are fairly easy to dodge- practice on d25 of Firestorm Citadel in the room with the respawning rocket puppy. The same can be applied to Howlitzer heads as well.
In confined spaces, the trick is to remember that the rocket blasts will inflict heavy damage on ALL targets present except for the launching turret. This means in an arena, the rocket puppies will happily decimate each other if you keep dancing around. One tactic is to aggro two turrets, and attack one turret from the leeward side relative to the second. If you do it right, the second turret's rockets will greatly facilitate the destruction of your primary target. In more open spaces, such as the winding, open corridors found in some Clockwork Tunnel levels, the best course of action is to proceed cautiously and avoid aggroing turrets from across chasms.
Rocket turrets are moderately hard at first, but they are fair- they do not pull surprise attacks (unlike fiends), they attack relatively slowly, and they behave very predictably.
No, if T3 is too hard for you, go back to T2. You can do it anytime, just stop doing T3 runs if they are too hard. Bye.
You can make the rocket turret hit itself with its own missile. I have done it quite a few times laughing all along.
"The same can be applied to Howlitzer heads as well."
Howlitzer heads can be easily shooted up from distance while flying with any handgun. Maybe make same with rocket puppy missiles. Also i like idea to give'em ability to stun targets, as with any other non-elemented monsters, part of what can sometime stun player.
Actually I think the biggest problems with Rocket Puppies is their cooldown period. They can fire too quickly after their last rocket explodes. It's even more annoying that the timer is based on the last rocket exploding instead of being a fixed timer.
No, they're not difficult to deal with once you know how. That still doesn't change the fact that they're probably the most dangerous monster to a party and pretty much need to be killed, locked down, or otherwise dealt with before everything else if aggroed.
Rocket puppies are funny.
But a pain in the butt to deal with.
My only minor gripe is the extent of their homing capability. As in it isn't a 'Contact-Trigger', but more of a 'I'll-explode-when-I-touch-you-so-stop-running!' Like the Rocket puppy in FSC. I stood behind the forcefield and watched it fire rockets at me, and you could almost laugh at the erratic flapping around the missile did to try and get you, as opposed to just exploding when it touched the wall.
Otherwise I reckon devilites are more of a pain.
One thing I know about Rocket Puppies...
/rocket puppy sees ye
/tries to shoot ye
/rocket launches
/commence rule #1 cardio mode
Actually, I think its possible to shoot the rockets. I accidentaly did so to the FSC's rocket puppies rocket after clearing out the room. However, it has a weird hitbox, and since there isn't an easy source of health, so its hard to confirm if it is possible.
There's a trick to destroy rockets, here's a hint
Something throwable can kill everything on his way, until it reaches it's destination.
Unless I'm wrong, they can erase Standard Gunpuppy bullets on their flight path as well.
While the rockets hit really freaking hard, everything in Tier 3 does, so get used to it. They don't need any kind of nerf.
And like Juances said, with some space you can dodge and outrun the rocket easily. And for the arena bit... you poor knight, you got really unlucky; you can destroy them 1 by 1 and it's not much trouble (guess what, elemental shields are good!) but alerting 2-3 or more is just wishing for a horrible death.
They don't need a nerf instead you need some skills, such as in arenas always go to the corner waiting for turrent wave, I've seen many rocket puppy turrents in arenas.
I'd also like to say that it was with a Argent Peacemaker, and not a vial.
Eyesore, maybe?
I have always used AP to shoot Rocket Puppies. If they can be destroyed, I would have said so in this thread. The vials are always my backup plan of destroying the projectiles.
I call that 'Rocket Stopper Technique'.
You can make the rocket turret hit itself with its own missile. I have done it quite a few times laughing all along.
Totally trying this next time.
I don't know about shooting them, but it's definitely possible to slash missiles. (just like it's possible to slash/shoot Howlitzers/moving Kats)
Unfortunately, you kinda need an understanding of latency to really hit. If you play Lockdown often, it's just like hitting a Striker, actually lol.
If guns CAN actually kill missiles, I haven't seen it yet, but I suspect it's like killing grass - you probably need an explosion to hit the missile.
Speaking of explosions, can bombs kill missiles? O_o
Nope, the rocket was wiggling up against the force-field, and I saw -147 drop off the rocket, causing it to explode, when I shot it with AP. Tried to do it again, but decided against it after failing to try to hit it while dodging. It might be possible, but its probably too tricky for most to do much good.
Admittedly the failure to explode upon hitting certain obstacles (respawning puppy in FSC, I'm looking at you here) is pretty ridiculous. In my mind the rockets should explode on reaching any barriers, like a normal projectile, not do its silly 'attempt to escape' routine.
However, they're easy to deal with if you're careful about it. *cough*trollaris*cough*
Also, a note: in the third stage of arenas, the last part of one of the two waves is automatically 8 turrets, no matter what you did. Unless you left the other wave untouched on the second stage, in which case you're a moron and you get 12 turrets to dance with.
Tip: Keep yourself near the turret, and when the rocket pops up (before it starts up) circle it. The rocket will move forward, arc and if you move a bit it will hit it from behind. Funny stuff.
It's called skill *laughs off in the distance as the mysterious rocket puppy rolls(yes roll)away*
If you try to give rocket puppies a hug while your shield's up, it'll blow up in its face and do no damage to your shield at all.
No, they do not need to be nerfed.