Hey i'm new been playing this game about 5 days now and I'm wondering what is the best UV bonus for a gunslinger
is it ASI, CTR or ATK Increase?
also I'm using a polaris, an antigua and a needle shot currently using a gunslinger set 3* and a swiftslash buckler xD
please reply im need of a help
I lay no claim to the title "pro gunner" but from my experience using Blitz, both Pulsars, Biohazard, Valiance, both Antiguas, VPepperbox, both Storm and Magma Drivers, and Callahan charge time reduction tends to be more valuable for offensive gunning if you do not already have the bonus built pretty high. It usually depends on the gun, though.
With Polaris attack speed tends to work better to keep sweeping enemies and shutting down turrets.
With Antiguas attack speed means more rounds per second for a gun based on mobile rapid fire.
With an Autogun the charge attack is better for a flurry of bullets for a big chunk of damage but attack speed helps speed up firing time so you can move again sooner; in this case you would have to choose your own preference.