I bought my battle royal pack for $74.95 yesterday. Upon logging into my account. I have received the 10,925 ce but nothing was mailed to me for me to receive the other free items in my own battle pack such as the 5 mist tanks, trinket slots and so on. Quote and unquote, I repeat, ONLY 10,925 energy was received by my account. Even the 3 battle packs were missing. Ive checked and checked my mail in my spiral knights game but nothing was there. It was as if I bought 10,925 ce for $74.95
The mist tanks of my very own battle pack were missing, trinket slots, the free costume, heat amplifier and all the 3 battle packs. Only 10,925 ce went to my gaming account. The payment was done.
Why did I only get 10,925 ce?
That is not even a battle pack because I only received completely 10,925ce.
Please help me with this.
I am well informed that only 1 battle pack will be given to my account and the 3 will be gifted to others. But how will I gift the 3 others to my friends if those 3 battle packs are missing.
I have been experiencing a lot of problems with buying ce. My credit card was even compromised.
Please do help. It will be very well appreciated. Thank you so much!
This wont help you here.
Go here